Cool. Completed it in.... 15 minutes or so. I enjoyed it. I agree that level 1 is very daunting. Level 0 is obviously nothing, but it is often better to introduce the concepts as you go.
maybe something like this:
level 0 - one emitter, one collector pointing at each other - labelled that this is the objective (nothing to do)
level 1 - one emitter, one collector, one attractor, just moving it to the right place in one axis very easy.
level 2 - one emitted, one collector, one repeller, as level 1, but set up to make it easy to fix to make them go right in.
then start combining them, adding more colours.
also, some of the colours are very close to each other, and very small. Maybe changing the area around the dots to reflect that colour as well.
Are the attractors/repellers different strengths? It would be good to have some visual feedback for this so we can learn how to identify them.
how about a time bonus or time limit decreasing, you get a score that is just how much time there is to spare.

Ok sorry, I'm only criticizing because i like the concept a lot; i'd look forward to you doing a bit more on it.
