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Collisions (Read 1095 times)
Feb 20th, 2010, 9:32pm
Inspired to bring back a visual basic 'sketch' to Processing by some recent posts on circular collision. I was planning to use it for a game of pool but never go that far.
int numballs = 100, magnet = 0;
float friction = .999f, rad = 10, maxSpeed = 15;
float clusterRad = 1.1f, clusterMult = 1.0f;//Play with these values to get grouping/clustering

Ball[] tableballs = new Ball[numballs];

void setup() {


 float x = 0, n = 0;
 tableballs[0] = new Ball();

 tableballs[0].cx = 0.75f * width;// '0 is cueball
 tableballs[0].cy = height / 2;

 x = (int)(random(1) * 0.5f * width);

 for (int i=1; i<numballs; i++) {
   tableballs[i] = new Ball();

   tableballs[i].cx = x;
   tableballs[i].cy = (0.5f * tableballs[i].cy) + (n * (rad * 2));

   if (tableballs[i].cy > 500) {
     n = 0;
     x = x + rad;

void keyPressed() {
 if (key == 'm') {
   magnet = 1;

void keyReleased() {
 if (key == 'w') {
   clusterRad += 0.1f;
 } else if (key == 's') {
   clusterRad -= 0.1f;
 } else if (key == 'm') {
   magnet = 0;

void mouseClicked() {
 float R = 0, ang = 0;

 R = dist(mouseX, mouseY, tableballs[0].cx, tableballs[0].cy);

 if (R > maxSpeed) {
   R = maxSpeed;

 ang = atan2((mouseY - tableballs[0].cy), (mouseX - tableballs[0].cx));

 tableballs[0].vx = R * cos(ang);
 tableballs[0].vy = R * sin(ang);


void draw() {


 float ColDist = 0, ang = 0, R = 0, dx = 0, dy = 0;

 for (int i=0; i<numballs; i++) {
   tableballs[i].cx = tableballs[i].cx + tableballs[i].vx;
   tableballs[i].cy = tableballs[i].cy + tableballs[i].vy;
   tableballs[i].vx = tableballs[i].vx * friction;
   tableballs[i].vy = tableballs[i].vy * friction;

   if (tableballs[i].cx < rad) {
     tableballs[i].vx = -tableballs[i].vx;
     tableballs[i].cx = rad;
   } else if (tableballs[i].cx > (width - 1 - rad)) {
     tableballs[i].vx = -tableballs[i].vx;
     tableballs[i].cx = width - 1 - rad;

   if (tableballs[i].cy < rad) {
     tableballs[i].vy = -tableballs[i].vy;
     tableballs[i].cy = rad;
   } else if (tableballs[i].cy > (height - 1 - rad)) {
     tableballs[i].vy = -tableballs[i].vy;
     tableballs[i].cy = height - 1 - rad;

   for (int j=0; j<numballs; j++) {

     ColDist = dist(tableballs[j].cx, tableballs[j].cy, tableballs[i].cx, tableballs[i].cy);

     if ( (ColDist <= (clusterMult * rad)) && (i != j) ) {

       ang = atan2((tableballs[j].cy - tableballs[i].cy), (tableballs[j].cx - tableballs[i].cx));

       //if a ball is on or inside the other, push it to just outside
       dx = -clusterRad * rad * cos(ang);
       dy = -clusterRad * rad * sin(ang);
       tableballs[i].cx = dx + tableballs[j].cx;
       tableballs[i].cy = dy + tableballs[j].cy;

       //Get the reflection angle
       if (ang > (2 * PI)) {
         ang = (2 * PI) - ang;
       } else if (ang < 0) {
         ang = ang + (2 * PI);

       R = dist(0, 0, tableballs[i].vx, tableballs[i].vy);

       dx = R * cos(ang);
       dy = R * sin(ang);

       //Put the velocity of the 'attacking' ball into the target
       tableballs[j].vx = dx;
       tableballs[j].vy = dy;

       //'Decrease velocity from the attacker
       tableballs[i].vx = 0.2f * tableballs[i].vx;
       tableballs[i].vy = 0.2f * tableballs[i].vy;

       if (magnet == 1) {

         //'Goto first ball
         if (tableballs[0].cx < tableballs[i].cx) {
           tableballs[i].vx = tableballs[i].vx - 1.0f;
         } else if (tableballs[0].cx > tableballs[i].cx) {
           tableballs[i].vx = tableballs[i].vx + 1.0f;
         if (tableballs[0].cy < tableballs[i].cy) {
           tableballs[i].vy = tableballs[i].vy - 1.0f;
         } else if (tableballs[0].cy > tableballs[i].cy) {
           tableballs[i].vy = tableballs[i].vy + 1.0f;




   if (i == 0) {
   } else if (i == (numballs - 1)) {
   } else {
   ellipse(tableballs[i].cx, tableballs[i].cy, rad, rad);


 line(tableballs[0].cx, tableballs[0].cy, mouseX, mouseY);


class Ball {
 float cx = 0, cy = 0, vx = 0, vy = 0;
Re: Collisions
Reply #1 - Feb 22nd, 2010, 10:42am

I made a small change to have it as a screensaver. It randomly produces MouseClicks to keep the show running (see mouseClickedFAKE   Wink).
Changing color now, use 'n' to restart.
I couldn't let him do a nice change of radius though.

Going to a game of pool shouldn't be too hard.

Greetings, Chrisir

int numballs = 41, magnet = 0;
float friction = .999f;
// rad = 30
float maxSpeed = 15;
float clusterRad = 1.1f, clusterMult = 1.0f;//Play with these values to get grouping/clustering

Ball[] tableballs = new Ball[numballs];

void setup() {


 MySetup() ;


void MySetup() {

 float x = 0, n = 0;
 tableballs[0] = new Ball();

 tableballs[0].cx = 0.9f * width;// '0 is cueball
 tableballs[0].cy = height / 2;

 x = (int)(random(1) * 0.5f * width);

 for (int i=1; i<numballs; i++) {
   tableballs[i] = new Ball();

   tableballs[i].cx = x;
   tableballs[i].cy = (.5f * tableballs[0].cy) + (n * (tableballs[i].rad * 2)) + 0;

   if (tableballs[i].cy > 500) {
     n = 0;
     x = x + tableballs[i].rad*1.3;

void keyPressed() {
 if (key == 'm') {
   magnet = 1;

void keyReleased() {
 if (key == 'w') {
   clusterRad += 0.1f;
 else if (key == 's') {
   clusterRad -= 0.1f;
 else if (key == 'm') {
   magnet = 0;
 else if (key == 'n') {
   MySetup() ;

void mouseClicked() {
float R = 0, ang = 0;

R = dist(mouseX, mouseY, tableballs[0].cx, tableballs[0].cy);

if (R > maxSpeed) {
R = maxSpeed;

ang = atan2((mouseY - tableballs[0].cy), (mouseX - tableballs[0].cx));

tableballs[0].vx = R * cos(ang);
tableballs[0].vy = R * sin(ang);


void draw() {


 float ColDist = 0, ang = 0, R = 0, dx = 0, dy = 0;

 for (int i=0; i<numballs; i++) {
   tableballs[i].cx = tableballs[i].cx + tableballs[i].vx;
   tableballs[i].cy = tableballs[i].cy + tableballs[i].vy;
   tableballs[i].vx = tableballs[i].vx * friction;
   tableballs[i].vy = tableballs[i].vy * friction;

   if (tableballs[i].cx < tableballs[i].rad) {
     tableballs[i].vx = -tableballs[i].vx;
     tableballs[i].cx = tableballs[i].rad;
   else if (tableballs[i].cx > (width - 1 - tableballs[i].rad)) {
     tableballs[i].vx = -tableballs[i].vx;
     tableballs[i].cx = width - 1 - tableballs[i].rad;

   if (tableballs[i].cy < tableballs[i].rad) {
     tableballs[i].vy = -tableballs[i].vy;
     tableballs[i].cy = tableballs[i].rad;
   else if (tableballs[i].cy > (height - 1 - tableballs[i].rad)) {
     tableballs[i].vy = -tableballs[i].vy;
     tableballs[i].cy = height - 1 - tableballs[i].rad;

   for (int j=0; j<numballs; j++) {

     ColDist = dist(tableballs[j].cx, tableballs[j].cy, tableballs[i].cx, tableballs[i].cy);

     if ( (ColDist <= (clusterMult * tableballs[i].rad)) && (i != j) ) {

       ang = atan2((tableballs[j].cy - tableballs[i].cy), (tableballs[j].cx - tableballs[i].cx));

       //if a ball is on or inside the other, push it to just outside
       dx = -clusterRad * tableballs[i].rad * cos(ang);
       dy = -clusterRad * tableballs[i].rad * sin(ang);
       tableballs[i].cx = dx + tableballs[j].cx;
       tableballs[i].cy = dy + tableballs[j].cy;

       //Get the reflection angle
       if (ang > (2 * PI)) {
         ang = (2 * PI) - ang;
       else if (ang < 0) {
         ang = ang + (2 * PI);

       R = dist(0, 0, tableballs[i].vx, tableballs[i].vy);

       dx = R * cos(ang);
       dy = R * sin(ang);

       //Put the velocity of the 'attacking' ball into the target
       tableballs[j].vx = dx;
       tableballs[j].vy = dy;

       //'Decrease velocity from the attacker
       tableballs[i].vx = 0.2f * tableballs[i].vx;
       tableballs[i].vy = 0.2f * tableballs[i].vy;

       if (magnet == 1) {

         //'Goto first ball
         if (tableballs[0].cx < tableballs[i].cx) {
           tableballs[i].vx = tableballs[i].vx - 1.0f;
         else if (tableballs[0].cx > tableballs[i].cx) {
           tableballs[i].vx = tableballs[i].vx + 1.0f;
         if (tableballs[0].cy < tableballs[i].cy) {
           tableballs[i].vy = tableballs[i].vy - 1.0f;
         else if (tableballs[0].cy > tableballs[i].cy) {
           tableballs[i].vy = tableballs[i].vy + 1.0f;


       // tableballs[i].rad = random(20,60);
       tableballs[i].color1 = color (random (0,255),random (0,255),random (0,255));



   if (i == 0) {
   else if (i == (numballs - 1)) {
   else {
     fill( tableballs[i].color1 );

   ellipse(tableballs[i].cx, tableballs[i].cy,


 // line(tableballs[0].cx, tableballs[0].cy, mouseX, mouseY);

 if (random (999) > 900) {


void mouseClickedFAKE() {
 float R = 0, ang = 0;

 float xWert= random(0,width);
 float yWert= random(0,height);

 R = dist(  xWert, yWert  , tableballs[0].cx, tableballs[0].cy);

 if (R > maxSpeed) {
   R = maxSpeed;

 ang = atan2((yWert - tableballs[0].cy), (xWert - tableballs[0].cx));

 tableballs[0].vx = R * cos(ang);
 tableballs[0].vy = R * sin(ang);


class Ball {
 float cx = 0, cy = 0, vx = 0, vy = 0;
 float rad = 40;
 color color1= color (random (0,255),random (0,255),random (0,255));

Re: Collisions
Reply #2 - Feb 22nd, 2010, 2:41pm
If you compile it as an .exe, you can run it as a screensaver ?
Re: Collisions
Reply #3 - Feb 22nd, 2010, 9:39pm
At least in Windows (I'm using 2K): yes.
Copy lib folder and the .exe to your windows directory.
Rename the .exe to "yourscreensavername.scr".
Then go to your screen saver settings as usual.
Another trick from VB. Wink

Entertaining. :]
I think this could be turned into some sort of AI or 'boids' type program.
Re: Collisions
Reply #4 - Feb 23rd, 2010, 4:56am

Yes, there are many possibilities.

Changing radius,
Balls shy away from white ball,
some balls eat other balls,
rectangles and boxes come into the game,
have it 3D...
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