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Random speed with mousePressed issues (Read 772 times)
Random speed with mousePressed issues
Feb 3rd, 2010, 4:00pm
Hello everyone! I'm pretty new to the forums, and I've just started taking a class in Processing. Just as a heads up, I'm also a newbie to programming in general, so sorry in advance for any stupid questions.

Okay, so I've been given an assignment to write a program where a ball "falls" indefinitely across a screen, and then slows down (gradually, but I can't seem to manage that). Then, when I click my mouse, the ball should be reset with a new random speed that slows down again. I've gotten as far as the "resetting" part, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to start with a new random speed. Any ideas (in terms an idiot could understand)?

Here's the code:

//Variables for ball
float ballX=0;
float ballY=0;

void setup(){

//Draw ball
void draw(){
 //Move ball
 //Slow down ball

void mousePressed(){

P.S. So far, I've been taught 2D shapes, "if else" statements, a few mouse functions, void stuff, and basic variables/arithmetic codes. Basic explanations are very much appreciated.
Re: Random speed with mousePressed issues
Reply #1 - Feb 3rd, 2010, 6:31pm
Check the code. There are plenty of comments to keep even the blindest of fish happy...

//Variables for ball
float ballX;
float ballY;

// New variables for the ball
float ballXspeed; // How fast the ball is moving in the X direction
float ballYspeed; // How fast the ball is moving in the Y direction

// Even more new variables for the ball
float ballXacceleration; // How much the ball's speed in the X direction is changing.
float ballYacceleration; // How much the ball's speed in the Y direction is changing.

// All of the above variables are givin initial values in setup()'s call to rese

void setup(){

//Draw ball
void draw(){


  //Move ball
  // ballX=ballX+3;
  // ballY=ballY+3;
  // Instead of a constant 3, the ball will now move
  // depending apon it's X and Y speeds.

  // Like this:
  ballX = ballX + ballXspeed;
  ballY = ballY + ballYspeed;

  //Slow down ball
  // if(ballX>width/3){
  //   ballX=ballX-1;
  // }
  // else{
  //   ballX=ballX+3;}
  //   if(ballY>height/3){
  //     ballY=ballY-1;
  //   }
  //   else{
  //     ballY=ballY+3;
  //   }
  // Instead of slowing it down in this weird way,
  // the balls speed will now change
  // due to it's acceleration.

  // Like this:
  ballXspeed = ballXspeed + ballXacceleration;
  ballYspeed = ballYspeed + ballYacceleration;
  // moreFunAccelerations(); // Try uncommenting this function call for even more fun!

void mousePressed(){

void resetBall(){ // You have to reset more than just the ball's position now.
  ballX = 250;
  ballY = 250;
  ballXspeed = 3;
  ballYspeed = 3;
  ballXacceleration = -0.03; // This slows it down.
  ballYacceleration = -0.03; // This slows it down.
  // ellipse(ballX,ballY,100,100); // You don't need to redraw the ball here.

void moreFunAccelerations(){ // Change the ball's acceleration due to it's position.
  if( ballX < 250){
    ballXacceleration = 0.03;
  else {
    ballXacceleration = -0.03;
  if( ballY < 250){
    ballYacceleration = 0.03;
  else {
    ballYacceleration = -0.03;

Also, welcome! You are doing good so far!  Smiley
Re: Random speed with mousePressed issues
Reply #2 - Feb 3rd, 2010, 6:49pm
Awesome! Thanks a ton!  Grin
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