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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpOpenGL and 3D Libraries › HELP! Controlling the pitch and yaw of a rocket
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HELP! Controlling the pitch and yaw of a rocket (Read 456 times)
HELP! Controlling the pitch and yaw of a rocket
Jan 22nd, 2010, 5:00pm
Hi everyone!

I am expierencing difficulties when I try to let my wonderfull rocket be controlled by altering the pitch and the yaw. But because the rocket experiences gravity, I dont think I can use rotate(). Please correct me if im wrong on that. I have searched a while for the answer, but never found it... so can anyone help? im posting one tab, and a link to the whole package  ;)

htt p://ww w.fileshost.com/download.php?id=CA159A091
klik on the mouse to let it explode, a and d control the roll and z and x change the x direction of the speed

sorry, can't post an proper url because im new (A)

This is the main part of the code:

import processing.opengl.*;
float frames = 120;
PVector rocket, engine,  speed;
float friction = 0.99;
float power = 30/frames;
float gravity = 9.81/frames;
float roll = 0;
float pitch = 0;
float yaw = 0;

void setup() {
 size(800,900, OPENGL);
 rocket = new PVector(0.5*width,height+300,0);
 speed = new PVector(-0.01,1,0.000);

void keyPressed() {

void draw() {
 background(10); // top-left = -630,-702  top-right = width+630,-702  bottom-left = -630,height+702  bottom-right = width+630,height+702
 if(explosion == 1)
   explosion = 1;
 if(explosion == 0)
 rocket.y = height-rocket.y;
 rocket.x = ((rocket.x+630)%(width+1260))-630;
   rocket.x = width+630;
 rocket.y = ((rocket.y+702)%(height+1404))-702;
   rocket.y = height+702;
 rocket.y = height-rocket.y;
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