Hi everyone,
I'm building a prototype in order to finish a paper for a conference. I recently found about Processing and I'm still discovering what it can do, and what are the best approaches.
The idea is to have a
system that detects when people are close to specific places, and warns them about it via vibration messages.
For that I'll be using the SHAKE (can't post links yet, but it's in Google Code). It can connect to a computer through a Bluetooth connection, and I can send it vibration commands (amongst other things).
I see three ways testing such prototype. One is to have a computer searching for Bluetooth connections in the specific places I want, and when one of them detects a SHAKE, it sends the appropriate vibration message through the Bluetooth connection.
The second is to have the SHAKE always connected (via Bluetooth) to a computer which the user will carry in a backpack. As soon as the SHAKE detects a Bluetooth connection from one of the specific places, the computer the user is carrying sends the vibration message to the SHAKE.
The third one is having the user carry a computer in a backpack, connected to the SHAKE and a GPS dongle (via Bluetooth), and when he's in the right coordinates for a specific place, the computer the user is carrying sends the vibration message to the SHAKE (via Bluetooth).
Using Processing, which of this is the best scenario? All the help will be useful.
(Sorry for the long text
