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Processing T-Shirts 2009/2010 (Read 6472 times)
Processing T-Shirts 2009/2010
Nov 17th, 2009, 11:05am
For the first time, we’re selling Processing t-shirts.

Profits will fund Processing development. We’ve partnered with Wire & Twine to make this happen. The shirts are hand screened in Oxford, OH, the home of the Processing 1.0 launch in November 2008. The shirts are available for pre-order on a navy American Apparel 100% cotton. Order by November 30th to get your shirt by December 25th. Shirts will begin production on November 30th and ship no later than December 14th.

We have two styles: the BEAUTY, and the BEAST. The BEAUTY shirt features a network image created with the code written for the Processing web header and the cover of the Reas/Fry book. The setup() and draw() functions from this code appears on The BEAST tee. The BEAST shirt features a diagram of the iconic Processing Development Environment and a piece of the code used to create The BEAUTY tee.
Re: Processing T-Shirts 2009/2010
Reply #1 - Nov 29th, 2009, 8:20pm
Today is the last day to order Processing t-shirts for holiday delivery. New photos online too: http://processing.org/shop/
Re: Processing T-Shirts 2009/2010
Reply #2 - Dec 1st, 2009, 4:09pm
This is a quick update on the Processing t-shirt fundraiser. Yesterday was the end of the pre-order phase. The good and bad news is we sold 189 shirts. This fell short of our hopes, but we're very grateful for the sales we made. We decided to print an additional three dozen BEAUTY shirts for more sales that trickle in and we're not taking more orders for the BEAST.

We made a few careful decisions in this endeavor and I want to briefly explain our thoughts. Many comments and questions came in through email and Twitter.

Ben and I decided we're too busy to manage t-shirt production and distribution so we looked for partners. (Yes, I did think about turning my garage into a small Processing t-shirt factory and distribution center.) We tried out the common internet t-shirt services like Cafe Press and other to find the product was terrible quality. We were very happy to find Wire & Twine and we're glad they were interested. They are printing and shipping the shirts. They share our goal to make excellent shirts -- good quality cotton and sewing with excellent printing.

Yes, the shirts are expensive, but the quality is high and the profits are supporting Processing development. We know the shipping adds extra expense and the Processing community is extremely international which makes the shipping extremely expensive, but we don't have a better solution for that right now.

So from the 189 shirts, our rough estimated profit is approximately $1,500. We'll stretch it as far as it can go. We will use the money to fund small projects that improve the software and support. The first project is improving the Processing documentation. We have a split right now between the developers reference (the JavaDoc on http://dev.processing.org) and the basic reference on the main site. We want to bring it together on the back end to improve both references.  We've found a great candidate to do this work, it will start at the beginning of December.

This is the first time that we've solicited donations from Processing users and we started with a product (t-shirts), rather than outright donations. We've never been comfortable handling money in that way. In the past, we've stayed away from it because we've felt the amount we would receive would not cover the expense in the good will from the community. And our time spent managing these aspects is time we're not working on Processing. We'll see how this first round goes and take it from there.

If you ordered a shirt, thank you.

[Edit: Updated the estimated profit]
Re: Processing T-Shirts 2009/2010
Reply #3 - May 10th, 2010, 2:29am
Question: Do the tshirts come in womens sizes?

And when will the processing code box tshirt next be in stock if it does come in womens?

Would love one!
Re: Processing T-Shirts 2009/2010
Reply #4 - May 10th, 2010, 9:39pm
We'll offer these shirts again in the fall, probably in September. To avoid making a bunch of t-shirts that don't sell (and therefore reduce the amount of money we raise) we'll do another a pre-order process. After the order is closed, the shirts will be made. No waste. When we launch a new shirt in the fall, there will be a period of time when this new shirt and the BEAST shirt can be ordered in any size. Best, Casey
Re: Processing T-Shirts 2009/2010
Reply #5 - May 11th, 2010, 4:21am
Cheers Casey.
Look forward to the new tshirts and such.
Re: Processing T-Shirts 2009/2010
Reply #6 - May 31st, 2010, 4:00pm
They are amazing !
But it is not available for Turkey, so..
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