Hi guys,
I think that is my first post.

Well, I (and a couple of friends) am teaching a group of people to use processing, and we are using Linux as platform, and we faced a strange issue: Processing did not connect to the internet to download an image. Bellow, I it is possible to see a simplified code:
PImage pic;
void setup(){
pic = loadImage("google logo url");
void draw(){
image(pic, 1, 1);
The code is simplified from the original, but it show the same error we faced yesterday :S Processing highlights the 'image(pic,1,1);' line and returns a NullPointerException.
The output error message is:
"Google URL" The system we were using is an Ubuntu 9.04, with Sun Java 6 installed and configured to be the standard Java - using apt-updates - and the computers are connected via proxy.
I can see two possible reasons for the error: 1- some security config; 2 - some bad java configuration.
Does someone already face this and could give a little tip?
Thanks a lot,