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videomapping in processing (Read 1086 times)
videomapping in processing
Nov 6th, 2009, 9:30pm
hi is there any way of doing videomapping in processing? do anybody have tried this before? i would like to do videomapping in real time using a web cam, thanks
Re: videomapping in processing
Reply #1 - Nov 7th, 2009, 2:53am
what exactly do you mean by video mapping? when i hear it i think of projection a video onto an object...
Re: videomapping in processing
Reply #2 - Nov 7th, 2009, 7:49am
If that's the case, maybe take a look at: http://keystonep5.sourceforge.net/

It doesn't involve webcams so it might not be what you need, but will let you calibrate surfaces by hand and project onto objects.

Maybe if you specify what you mean "realtime using a webcam",  I can add this to the list of features to implement for future versions of the library..

Re: videomapping in processing
Reply #3 - Nov 9th, 2009, 7:50pm
"Maybe if you specify what you mean "realtime using a webcam",  I can add this to the list of features to implement for future versions of the library.."

Yes, please add this feature, I have been looking for this for a while - still pretty new to the programming... I'm trying to (de)skew or (de)distort the webcam image before sending it to computer vision processing so that I can be a bit flexible with placing the camera and using fish-eye lens and such. If there are any other ways to do this (i'm pretty sure there are...), please let me know. Thank you so much.
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