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problem with collision detection (Read 600 times)
problem with collision detection
Oct 20th, 2009, 5:54pm
so i am attempting to detect the collisions between a number of orbs on the screen. each orb can be selected with the mouse and dragged around the screen. eventually moving other orbs when they collide. i am currently using the equation of a circle to map the x,y coords for each orb on screen into two arrays(one for x values and one for y). currently it is detecting collisions when there are none happening and i can't figure out if i have simply miss written something or my syntax is off or if something far greater is causing problems. if you guys and girls out there can see anything that i can't please let me know. thanks

import ddf.minim.*;

int orbsize = 50;
int orbcount = 10;

AudioSample gong;
Minim minim;

Orb[] orbs = new Orb[orbcount];
float[] orbsx = new float[orbcount];
float[] orbsy = new float[orbcount];

boolean once = true;

int[] xtrail = new int[orbsize];
int[] ytrail = new int[orbsize];

float[][] detcolx = new float[orbcount][360];
float[][] detcoly = new float[orbcount][360];

void setup(){

 for(int i = 0; i < orbs.length; i++){
   orbsx[i] = random(25,935);
   orbsy[i] = random(25,575);
   orbs[i] = new Orb(orbsx[i],orbsy[i],orbsize);

 for (int i = 0; i < xtrail.length; i ++ ) {
   xtrail[i] = 0;
   ytrail[i] = 0;

 minim = new Minim(this);
 gong = minim.loadSample("gong_d4.wav");

void draw(){

 //  for(int i = 0; i < detcolx.length; i++){
 //    detcolx[i] = new ArrayList();
 //    detcoly[i] = new ArrayList();
 //  }

 for(int i = 0; i < orbs.length; i++){


 for(int i = 0; i < orbs.length; i++){

   if(mouseX > orbs[i].orbx-orbs[i].orbdia/2 && mouseX < orbs[i].orbx+orbs[i].orbdia/2 && mouseY > orbs[i].orby-orbs[i].orbdia/2 && mouseY < orbs[i].orby+orbs[i].orbdia/2 && mousePressed){
     orbs[i].orbx = mouseX;
     orbs[i].orby = mouseY;
     for(int n = 0; n < 360; n++){
       detcolx[i][n] = (orbs[i].orbx + orbs[i].orbdia*cos(n));
       detcoly[i][n] = (orbs[i].orby + orbs[i].orbdia*sin(n));
       println(n + ". " + detcolx[i][n] + ", " + detcoly[i][n]);

     for (int x = 0; x < xtrail.length-1; x ++ ) {
       xtrail[x] = xtrail[x+1];
       ytrail[x] = ytrail[x+1];
     xtrail[xtrail.length-1] = mouseX;
     ytrail[ytrail.length-1] = mouseY;

     for (int t = 0; t < xtrail.length; t ++ ) {

     orbs[i].mouse = true;
     //      if(once == true){
     //        gong.trigger();
     //        once = false;
     //      }
   else if(!mousePressed){
     orbs[i].mouse = false;
     //player = minim.loadFile("gong_d4.wav");
     //      if(once == true){
     //        player = minim.loadFile("gong_d4.wav");
     //        once = false;
     //      }


void checkoverlap(){
 int temp = 0;
 for(int i = 0; i < orbsx.length; i++){
   for(int x = 1; x < orbsx.length; x++){
     if((sqrt(sq(orbs[i].orbx-orbs[x].orbx)+sq(orbs[i].orby-orbs[x].orby))) < 50){

       //orbs[x].mouse = true;


void mouseReleased(){
 //  gong.close();
 //  minim.stop();
 //  once = true;

void detectCollision(){
 for(int i = 0; i < detcolx.length; i++){
   for(int x = 1; x < detcolx.length; x ++){
     for(int n = 0; n < 360; n++){
       for(int t = 0; t < 360; t++){
         if(detcolx[i][n] == detcolx[x][t] && detcoly[i][n] == detcoly[i][t]){
class Orb{
 float orbx;
 float orby;
 float orbdia;
 boolean mouse;
 Orb(float x, float y, float dia){
   orbx = x;
   orby = y;
   orbdia = dia;
   mouse = false;


 void display(){
   if(mouse == false){
   else if(mouse == true){
   ellipse(orbx, orby, 50,50);
Re: problem with collision detection
Reply #1 - Oct 20th, 2009, 7:29pm
Processing uses radians rather than degrees, 0 to TWO_PI.  And if orbdia is diameter, that might be a source of problems -- it looks like you are essentially swinging an arm from the midpoint of the circle, and the arm is 50px while the circle is being drawn with radius 25px.

I am still not sure about storing a two-dimensional array for collision detection ... what about simply putting collision detection code, and appropriate response, into the orb class itself?  You can also store the orbs' x and y values in the class.

By the way, if you respond to your original post, it'll pop to the top of the queue again -- no need for reposts.
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