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IndexDiscussionExhibition › Little applet for social networks' links
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Little applet for social networks' links (Read 564 times)
Little applet for social networks' links
Oct 16th, 2009, 6:43pm
  Hello! Just sketched little applet for social network visualizing. It is not finished yet - sorry for hard-coding in advance... You need some font to run it.

circle circleYa,circleGoo;
circle a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,z1,z2,z3,z4,z5,z6;
circle circleYar,circleGoor,a2r;

PFont fontA;
void setup() {

 circleYa = new circle(812,10,33,25,14,812,10,812,10,28,"Yahoo.com",812,10);
 circleGoo = new circle(620,33,33,25,14,620,25,735,90,28,"Google.com",620,33);

 a4 = new circle(802,75,19,15,8,circleYa.x,circleYa.y,802,75,24,"",802,75);
 a5 = new circle(860,90,19,15,8,circleYa.x,circleYa.y,860,90,24,"",860,90);
 a6 = new circle(880,35,19,15,8,circleYa.x,circleYa.y,880,35,24,"facebook.com",880,35);
 a7 = new circle(955,98,19,15,8,circleYa.x,circleYa.y,955,98,24,"",955,98);
 a8 = new circle(985,40,19,15,8,circleYa.x,circleYa.y,985,40,24,"",985,40);
 a9 = new circle(940,10,19,15,8,circleYa.x,circleYa.y,940,10,24,"",940,10);
 z1 = new circle(700,15,19,15,8,circleGoo.x,circleGoo.y,700,15,24,"",700,15);
 z2 = new circle(495,30,19,15,8,circleGoo.x,circleGoo.y,495,30,24,"myspace.com",495,30);

 z4 = new circle(445,65,19,15,8,circleGoo.x,circleGoo.y,445,65,24,"bebo.com",445,65);
 z5 = new circle(560,90,19,15,8,circleGoo.x,circleGoo.y,560,90,24,"",560,90);
 z6 = new circle(570,0,19,15,8,circleGoo.x,circleGoo.y,570,5,24,"friendster.com",570,0);

 a1 = new circle(700,15,19,15,8,circleYa.x,circleYa.y,z1.x,z1.y,24,"",700,15);
 a3 = new circle(755,40,19,15,8,circleYa.x,circleYa.y,z1.x,z1.y,24,"hi5.com",755,40);
 a2 = new circle(735,90,19,15,8,circleYa.x,circleYa.y,z1.x,z1.y,24,"",735,90);
 z3 = new circle(640,65,19,15,8,circleGoo.x,circleGoo.y,a2.x,a2.y,24,"",640,65);

 // Covering lines by 1 more layer (duplicating drawing)
 circleYar = new circle(circleYa.x,circleYa.y,33,25,14,circleYa.x,circleYa.y,circleYa.x,circleYa.y,18,"",circleYa.x,circleYa.y);
 circleGoor = new circle(circleGoo.x,circleGoo.y,33,25,14,circleGoo.x,circleGoo.y,circleGoo.x,circleGoo.y,18,"",circleGoo.x,circleGoo.y);
 a2r = new circle(a2.x,a2.y,19,15,8,a2.x,a2.y,a2.x,a2.y,18,"",a2.x,a2.y);

 fontA = loadFont("2.vlw");


void draw() {

 textFont(fontA, 24);
 text("built with Processing",5,95);

class circle{
 int x;
 int y;
 int xx,yy,xxx,yyy;
 int r1,r2,r3;
 int fontsize;
 String tex;
 int aa;
 int ss;
 boolean dsa = false;
 int distax, distay;
 circle(int x,int y, int r1,int r2,int r3,int xx, int yy,int xxx, int yyy, int fontsize, String tex,int aa,int ss){


 void follow(){

   if ((mouseX > x-r1 )&&(mouseX < x+r1) && (mouseY < y+r1) && (mouseY > y-r1)) {
     x = mouseX;
     y = mouseY;
     distax = abs(aa-mouseX);
     distay = abs(ss-mouseY);
     if(distax>r1 || distay>r1){

 void show(){

   textFont(fontA, fontsize);

   translate(0, 0);

 void mousePressed(){
   if ((mouseX > x-r1 )&&(mouseX < x+r1) && (mouseY < y+r1) && (mouseY > y-r1)) {

void mousePressed(){


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