Localization.propertiesAPP_NAME = PolygotProcessing
slogan = That's a fine software!
fr = French
es = Spanish
en = English
FR = France
ES = Spain
EN = England
# No need to define them, as the key is the value...
# Only because I fallback on the key as value in the string loading
#~ Title = Title
#~ Artist = Artist
#~ Album = Album
#~ Genre = Genre
# Dealing with compound messages and plurals
# 0 = country name, 1 = date & time, 2 = disk number (choice below), 3 = disk number per day
release = Released on {1,date,long} at {1,time,short} precisely, \
it sold {2} in {0}, ie. {3,number,0.##} per day.
# 0 = million of disks (choice), 1 = exact number
disk\ number = {0} of disks ({1,number,integer} exactly)
DN.zero = below a million
DN.one = one million
DN.more = {0,number,integer} million
Localization_en.properties# Here only to catch generic English requests, and allow fallback on default strings
Localization_en_US.propertiesen = American
EN = United States of America
slogan = That's a good software, boy!
Localization_es.properties# app name and auth as in default translation
slogan = ¡MagnÃfico software!
fr = Francés
es = Español
en = Inglés
FR = Francia
ES = España
EN = Inglaterra
Title = Titulo
Artist = Artista
Album = Album
Genre = Género
# Google translation...
# Liberado el 6 de enero 1961 a las 12:55, precisamente, que vendió 6 millones de discos (666 exactamente) en Francia, que es de 55 por dÃa.
release = Liberado el {1,date,long} a las {1,time,short} precisamente, \
que vendió {2} en {0}, que es {3,number,0.##} por dÃa.
disk\ number = {0} de discos ({1,number,integer} exactamente)
DN.zero = debajo de un millón
DN.one = un millón
DN.more = {0,number,integer} millones
Localization_fr.propertiesAPP_NAME = Processing Polygotte
slogan = C'est un bon logiciel !
fr = Français
es = Espagnol
en = Anglais
FR = France
ES = Espagne
EN = Angleterre
Title = Titre
Artist = Artiste
Album = Album
Genre = Genre
# Warning: using MessageFormat which uses single quote as escape,
# you have to double them...
release = L''artiste a vendu {2} en {0} lors de la sortie de son album \
le {1,date,long} (à {1,time,short} précisément). \
Soit {3,number,0.##} par jour.
disk\ number = {0} de disques ({1,number,integer} exactement)
DN.zero = moins d'un million
DN.one = un million
DN.more = {0,number,integer} millions
Localization_fr_CA.propertiesslogan = Tabernacle !
# I voluntarily leave here an inconsistency in French, to illustrate some translation issues
# that people not knowing the language might overlook:
# in English, we write 'in France', 'in Quebec', etc.
# in French, we write 'en France', 'au Québec' (au Yémen, aux États-Unis, etc.)
# So sometime code must be improved to handle linguistic peculiarities
# I suppose here that FR, EN, etc. can have a generic usage, so including the word in the country name is not an option...
# Same issue with country gender... Yes, we have genders and number, plus elisions for countries names in French,
# how strange! For example: la France, l'Espagne, le Japon, les États-Unis...
# I18n isn't a simple problem!

FR = Québec (Canada)