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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › wandering 3D
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wandering 3D (Read 1074 times)
wandering 3D
Aug 22nd, 2009, 1:07am
Yes! I can send a post!
i try since a certain time to put the daniel shiffman's wandering example in 3D but still don't find a way to do this. I face great difficulties to understand how to rotate the boid in the direction of velocity.
I made this sketch to understand how i could rotate an object around x, y, z axis:
import processing.opengl.*;

float theta = 0;
float phi = 0;
float psi = 0;
void setup(){
 size(200, 200, OPENGL);
void draw(){
 background( 255);
 directionalLight(250, 250, 250, -1, 0, -1);

 translate(width/2, height/2, 0);
float Ry[][]={{cos(theta), 0, sin(theta)},
            {0, 1, 0},
            {-sin(theta), 0, cos(theta)}};
float Rz[][]={{cos(phi), -sin(phi), 0},
            {sin(phi), cos(phi), 0},
            {0, 0, 1}};
float Rx[][]={{1, 0, 0},
            {0, cos(psi), -sin(psi)},
            {0, sin(psi), cos(psi)}};
float Ryz[][]={{Ry[0][0]*Rz[0][0]+Ry[0][1]*Rz[1][0]+Ry[0][2]*Rz[2][0], Ry[0][0]*Rz[0][1]+Ry[0][1]*Rz[1][1]+Ry[0][2]*Rz[2][1], Ry[0][0]*Rz[0][2]+Ry[0][1]*Rz[1][2]+Ry[0][2]*Rz[2][2]},
            {Ry[1][0]*Rz[0][0]+Ry[1][1]*Rz[1][0]+Ry[1][2]*Rz[2][0], Ry[1][0]*Rz[0][1]+Ry[1][1]*Rz[1][1]+Ry[1][2]*Rz[2][1], Ry[1][0]*Rz[0][2]+Ry[1][1]*Rz[1][2]+Ry[1][2]*Rz[2][2]},
            {Ry[2][0]*Rz[0][0]+Ry[2][1]*Rz[1][0]+Ry[2][2]*Rz[2][0], Ry[2][0]*Rz[0][1]+Ry[2][1]*Rz[1][1]+Ry[2][2]*Rz[2][1], Ry[2][0]*Rz[0][2]+Ry[2][1]*Rz[1][2]+Ry[2][2]*Rz[2][2]}};
float Ryzx[][]={{Ryz[0][0]*Rx[0][0]+Ryz[0][1]*Rx[1][0]+Ryz[0][2]*Rx[2][0], Ryz[0][0]*Rx[0][1]+Ryz[0][1]*Rx[1][1]+Ryz[0][2]*Rx[2][1], Ryz[0][0]*Rx[0][2]+Ryz[0][1]*Rx[1][2]+Ryz[0][2]*Rx[2][2]},
              {Ryz[1][0]*Rx[0][0]+Ryz[1][1]*Rx[1][0]+Ryz[1][2]*Rx[2][0], Ryz[1][0]*Rx[0][1]+Ryz[1][1]*Rx[1][1]+Ryz[1][2]*Rx[2][1], Ryz[1][0]*Rx[0][2]+Ryz[1][1]*Rx[1][2]+Ryz[1][2]*Rx[2][2]},
              {Ryz[2][0]*Rx[0][0]+Ryz[2][1]*Rx[1][0]+Ryz[2][2]*Rx[2][0], Ryz[2][0]*Rx[0][1]+Ryz[2][1]*Rx[1][1]+Ryz[2][2]*Rx[2][1], Ryz[2][0]*Rx[0][2]+Ryz[2][1]*Rx[1][2]+Ryz[2][2]*Rx[2][2]}};        
            applyMatrix (Ryzx[0][0],Ryzx[0][1],Ryzx[0][2],0,
      stroke(50, 100, 0);  

But i don't even know if i need this to calculate angle between velocity and the location of the boid. I don't know how to use the dot product with 3D vectors
I'm lost for sure, if anyone have any clue, it probably will be a great help for me.
thanks, theo.
Re: wandering 3D
Reply #1 - Aug 22nd, 2009, 3:11am
Haven't you tried using rotateX(), rotateY(), rotateZ() instead
Re: wandering 3D
Reply #2 - Aug 22nd, 2009, 3:33am
Yes, i tried and i think it work the same, but what i don't figure out, is the way you get the angle between velocity and location of the boid, and how you define them, do i need 3 vectors for each axis(heading,  attitude, roll)of  velocity, location, target, desired, steer...  ?
I'm really lost don't find a way how to think the thing.
Re: wandering 3D
Reply #3 - Aug 22nd, 2009, 3:50am
I made this, sorry it's a mess, just made a massacre with the daniel shiffman's sketch,  but maybe you will see what i am looking for :

import processing.opengl.*;

Boid[] wanderer = new Boid[1];
boolean debug = true;

void setup() {

 size(1000,1000, OPENGL);
 for(int i=0; i<wanderer.length; i ++){
 wanderer[i] = new Boid(new PVector(width/2,height/2, 00),6.0,0.1);

void draw() {
 for(int i=0; i<wanderer.length; i ++){
void mousePressed() {
 debug = !debug;

class Boid {

 PVector loc;
 PVector vel;
 PVector acc;
 PVector target;
 float r;
 float wandertheta;
 float wanderphi;
 float wanderpsi;
 float maxforce;    // Maximum steering force
 float maxspeed;    // Maximum speed
 float theta = 0;
 float phi = 0;
 float psi = 0;
 Boid(PVector l, float ms, float mf) {
   acc = new PVector(0,0, 0);
   vel = new PVector(0,0, 0);
   loc = l.get();
   r = 10.0;
   wandertheta = 0.0;
   wanderphi = 0.0;
   wanderpsi = 0.0;
   maxspeed = ms;
   maxforce = mf;
 void run() {
 // Method to update location
 void update() {
   // Update velocity
   // Limit speed
   // Reset accelertion to 0 each cycle

 void seek(PVector target) {

 void arrive(PVector target) {
 void wander() {
   float wanderR = 20.0f;         // Radius for our "wander circle"
   float wanderD = 60.0f;         // Distance for our "wander circle"
   float change = 0.25f;
   wandertheta += random(-change, change);     // Randomly change wander theta
   wanderphi += random(-change, change);
   wanderpsi += random(-change, change);
   // Now we have to calculate the new location to steer towards on the wander circle
   PVector circleloc = vel.get();  // Start with velocity
   circleloc.normalize();            // Normalize to get heading
   circleloc.mult(wanderD);          // Multiply by distance
   circleloc.add(loc);               // Make it relative to boid's location
   PVector circleOffSet = new PVector(wanderR*cos(wandertheta),wanderR*sin(wanderphi), wanderR*cos(wanderpsi));
   PVector target = PVector.add(circleloc,circleOffSet);
   acc.add(steer(target,false));  // Steer towards it
   // Render wandering circle, etc.
   if (debug) drawWanderStuff(loc,circleloc,target,wanderR);
 // A method that calculates a steering vector towards a target
 // Takes a second argument, if true, it slows down as it approaches the target
 PVector steer(PVector target, boolean slowdown) {
   PVector steer;  // The steering vector
   PVector desired = PVector.sub(target,loc);  // A vector pointing from the location to the target
   float d = desired.mag(); // Distance from the target is the magnitude of the vector
   // If the distance is greater than 0, calc steering (otherwise return zero vector)
   if (d > 0) {
     // Normalize desired
     // Two options for desired vector magnitude (1 -- based on distance, 2 -- maxspeed)
     if ((slowdown) && (d < 100.0f)) desired.mult(maxspeed*(d/100.0f)); // This damping is somewhat arbitrary
     else desired.mult(maxspeed);
     // Steering = Desired minus Velocity
     steer = PVector.sub(desired,vel);
     steer.limit(maxforce);  // Limit to maximum steering force
   } else {
     steer = new PVector(0,0, -100);
   return steer;
 void render() {
   // Draw a triangle rotated in the direction of velocity
   PVector v = new PVector();
   v = vel.get();
   PVector ox = new PVector(loc.x, 0, 0);
   PVector oy = new PVector(0, loc.y, 0);
   PVector oz = new PVector(0, 0, loc.z);
   float a = v.mag();
   float b = ox.mag();
   float d = oy.mag();
   float f = oy.mag();

  float cosinustheta = v.dot(ox)/(a*b);
  float theta = acos(cosinustheta)+radians(90);
    float cosinusphi = v.dot(oy)/(a*d);
  float phi = acos(cosinusphi)+radians(90);

float cosinuspsi = v.dot(oz)/(a*f);
  float psi = acos(cosinuspsi)+radians(90);

  float Ry[][]={{cos(theta), 0, sin(theta),0},
             {0, 1, 0, 0},
             {-sin(theta), 0, cos(theta), 0},
             {0, 0, 0, 1}};
  float Rz[][]={{cos(phi), -sin(phi), 0, 0},
             {sin(phi), cos(phi), 0, 0},
             {0, 0, 1, 0},
             {0, 0, 0, 1}};
  float Rx[][]={{1, 0, 0, 0},
             {0, cos(psi), -sin(psi), 0},
             {0, sin(psi), cos(psi), 0},
             {0, 0, 0, 1}};
float Ryz[][]={{Ry[0][0]*Rz[0][0]+Ry[0][1]*Rz[1][0]+Ry[0][2]*Rz[2][0]+Ry[0][3]*Rz[3][0], Ry[0][0]*Rz[0][1]+Ry[0][1]*Rz[1][1]+Ry[0][2]*Rz[2][1]+Ry[0][3]*Rz[3][1], Ry[0][0]*Rz[0][2]+Ry[0][1]*Rz[1][2]+Ry[0][2]*Rz[2][2]+Ry[0][3]*Rz[3][2], Ry[0][0]*Rz[0][3]+Ry[0][1]*Rz[1][3]+Ry[0][2]*Rz[2][3]+Ry[0][3]*Rz[3][3]},
              {Ry[1][0]*Rz[0][0]+Ry[1][1]*Rz[1][0]+Ry[1][2]*Rz[2][0]+Ry[1][3]*Rz[3][0], Ry[1][0]*Rz[0][1]+Ry[1][1]*Rz[1][1]+Ry[1][2]*Rz[2][1]+Ry[1][3]*Rz[3][1], Ry[1][0]*Rz[0][2]+Ry[1][1]*Rz[1][2]+Ry[1][2]*Rz[2][2]+Ry[1][3]*Rz[3][2], Ry[1][0]*Rz[0][3]+Ry[1][1]*Rz[1][3]+Ry[1][2]*Rz[2][3]+Ry[1][3]*Rz[3][3]},
              {Ry[2][0]*Rz[0][0]+Ry[2][1]*Rz[1][0]+Ry[2][2]*Rz[2][0]+Ry[2][3]*Rz[3][0], Ry[2][0]*Rz[0][1]+Ry[2][1]*Rz[1][1]+Ry[2][2]*Rz[2][1]+Ry[2][3]*Rz[3][1], Ry[2][0]*Rz[0][2]+Ry[2][1]*Rz[1][2]+Ry[2][2]*Rz[2][2]+Ry[2][3]*Rz[3][2], Ry[2][0]*Rz[0][3]+Ry[2][1]*Rz[1][3]+Ry[2][2]*Rz[2][3]+Ry[2][3]*Rz[3][3]},
              {Ry[3][0]*Rz[0][0]+Ry[3][1]*Rz[1][0]+Ry[3][2]*Rz[2][0]+Ry[3][3]*Rz[3][0], Ry[3][0]*Rz[0][1]+Ry[3][1]*Rz[1][1]+Ry[3][2]*Rz[2][1]+Ry[3][3]*Rz[3][1], Ry[3][0]*Rz[0][2]+Ry[3][1]*Rz[1][2]+Ry[3]
Re: wandering 3D
Reply #4 - Aug 22nd, 2009, 4:33am
oops, this is it, sorry :

import processing.opengl.*;

Boid[] wanderer = new Boid[1];
boolean debug = true;

void setup() {

 size(1000,1000, OPENGL);
 for(int i=0; i<wanderer.length; i ++){
 wanderer[i] = new Boid(new PVector(width/2,height/2, 00),6.0,0.1);

void draw() {
 for(int i=0; i<wanderer.length; i ++){
void mousePressed() {
 debug = !debug;

class Boid {

 PVector loc;
 PVector vel;
 PVector acc;
 PVector target;
 float r;
 float wandertheta;
 float wanderphi;
 float wanderpsi;
 float maxforce;    // Maximum steering force
 float maxspeed;    // Maximum speed
 float theta = 0;
 float phi = 0;
 float psi = 0;
 Boid(PVector l, float ms, float mf) {
   acc = new PVector(0,0, 0);
   vel = new PVector(0,0, 0);
   loc = l.get();
   r = 10.0;
   wandertheta = 0.0;
   wanderphi = 0.0;
   wanderpsi = 0.0;
   maxspeed = ms;
   maxforce = mf;
 void run() {
 // Method to update location
 void update() {
   // Update velocity
   // Limit speed
   // Reset accelertion to 0 each cycle

 void seek(PVector target) {

 void arrive(PVector target) {
 void wander() {
   float wanderR = 20.0f;         // Radius for our "wander circle"
   float wanderD = 60.0f;         // Distance for our "wander circle"
   float change = 0.25f;
   wandertheta += random(-change, change);     // Randomly change wander theta
   wanderphi += random(-change, change);
   wanderpsi += random(-change, change);
   // Now we have to calculate the new location to steer towards on the wander circle
   PVector circleloc = vel.get();  // Start with velocity
   circleloc.normalize();            // Normalize to get heading
   circleloc.mult(wanderD);          // Multiply by distance
   circleloc.add(loc);               // Make it relative to boid's location
   PVector circleOffSet = new PVector(wanderR*cos(wandertheta),wanderR*sin(wanderphi), wanderR*cos(wanderpsi));
   PVector target = PVector.add(circleloc,circleOffSet);
   acc.add(steer(target,false));  // Steer towards it
   // Render wandering circle, etc.
   if (debug) drawWanderStuff(loc,circleloc,target,wanderR);
 // A method that calculates a steering vector towards a target
 // Takes a second argument, if true, it slows down as it approaches the target
 PVector steer(PVector target, boolean slowdown) {
   PVector steer;  // The steering vector
   PVector desired = PVector.sub(target,loc);  // A vector pointing from the location to the target
   float d = desired.mag(); // Distance from the target is the magnitude of the vector
   // If the distance is greater than 0, calc steering (otherwise return zero vector)
   if (d > 0) {
     // Normalize desired
     // Two options for desired vector magnitude (1 -- based on distance, 2 -- maxspeed)
     if ((slowdown) && (d < 100.0f)) desired.mult(maxspeed*(d/100.0f)); // This damping is somewhat arbitrary
     else desired.mult(maxspeed);
     // Steering = Desired minus Velocity
     steer = PVector.sub(desired,vel);
     steer.limit(maxforce);  // Limit to maximum steering force
   } else {
     steer = new PVector(0,0, -100);
   return steer;
 void render() {
   // Draw a triangle rotated in the direction of velocity
   PVector v = new PVector();
   v = vel.get();
   PVector ox = new PVector(loc.x, 0, 0);
   PVector oy = new PVector(0, loc.y, 0);
   PVector oz = new PVector(0, 0, loc.z);
   float a = v.mag();
   float b = ox.mag();
   float d = oy.mag();
   float f = oy.mag();

  float cosinustheta = v.dot(ox)/(a*b);
  float theta = acos(cosinustheta)+radians(90);
    float cosinusphi = v.dot(oy)/(a*d);
  float phi = acos(cosinusphi)+radians(90);

float cosinuspsi = v.dot(oz)/(a*f);
  float psi = acos(cosinuspsi)+radians(90);

translate(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z);
   fill(50, 255, 0);
   vertex(0, -r*2,0);
   vertex(-r, r*2, -r*2);
   vertex(r, r*2, 0);
   fill(255, 50, 0);
   vertex(0, -r*2,0);
   vertex(-r, r*2, r*2);
   vertex(r, r*2, 0);
   fill(0, 50, 255);
   vertex(r, r*2,0);
   vertex(-r, r*2, r*2);
    vertex(-r, r*2, -r*2);
    fill(255, 255, 0);
   vertex(0, -r*2,0);
   vertex(-r, r*2, r*2);
    vertex(-r, r*2, -r*2);
    if(vel.x <=0 && vel.y <=0 || vel.y <=0){
 // Wraparound
 void borders() {
   if (loc.x < -r) loc.x = 1000+r;
   if (loc.y < -r) loc.y = 1000+r;
   if (loc.z < -1000-r) loc.z = 0-r;
   if (loc.x > 1000+r) loc.x = -r;
   if (loc.y > 1000+r) loc.y = -r;
   if (loc.z > 0+r) loc.z = -1000-r;


// A method just to draw the circle associated with wandering
void drawWanderStuff(PVector loc, PVector circle, PVector target, float rad) {
 stroke(150, 250, 50, 40);
  fill(250, 150, 50);
 line(loc.x,loc.y, loc.z, circle.x,circle.y, circle.z);
 line(circle.x,circle.y, circle.z, target.x,target.y, target.z);
Re: wandering 3D
Reply #5 - Aug 22nd, 2009, 5:14am
I'm not sure, but maybe this post can help
Re: wandering 3D
Reply #6 - Aug 22nd, 2009, 8:23am
Thanks very much antiplastik, you was right, seems to work now with this method .Still a doubtful sketch probably, but it make something which seems coherent when you run it:

import processing.opengl.*;

Boid[] wanderer = new Boid[100];

void setup() {

 size(1000,1000, OPENGL);
 for(int i=0; i<wanderer.length; i ++){
 wanderer[i] = new Boid(new PVector(width/2,height/2, 00),6.0,0.1);

void draw() {
 directionalLight(250, 250, 250, -1, 0, -1);
 for(int i=0; i<wanderer.length; i ++){
class Boid {

 PVector loc;
 PVector vel;
 PVector acc;
 PVector target;
 float r;
 float wandertheta;
 float wanderphi;
 float wanderpsi;
 float maxforce;    // Maximum steering force
 float maxspeed;    // Maximum speed
 float theta = 0;
 float phi = 0;
 float psi = 0;
 Boid(PVector l, float ms, float mf) {
   acc = new PVector(0,0, 0);
   vel = new PVector(0,0, 0);
   loc = l.get();
   r = 10.0;
   wandertheta = 0.0;
   wanderphi = 0.0;
   wanderpsi = 0.0;
   maxspeed = ms;
   maxforce = mf;
 void run() {
 // Method to update location
 void update() {
   // Update velocity
   // Limit speed
   // Reset accelertion to 0 each cycle
 void wander() {
   float wanderR = 20.0f;         // Radius for our "wander circle"
   float wanderD = 60.0f;         // Distance for our "wander circle"
   float change = 0.25f;
   wandertheta += random(-change, change);     // Randomly change wander theta
   wanderphi += random(-change, change);
   wanderpsi += random(-change, change);
   // Now we have to calculate the new location to steer towards on the wander circle
   PVector circleloc = vel.get();  // Start with velocity
   circleloc.normalize();            // Normalize to get heading
   circleloc.mult(wanderD);          // Multiply by distance
   circleloc.add(loc);               // Make it relative to boid's location
   PVector circleOffSet = new PVector(wanderR*cos(wandertheta),wanderR*sin(wanderphi), wanderR*cos(wanderpsi));
   PVector target = PVector.add(circleloc,circleOffSet);
   PVector steer;
   PVector desired = PVector.sub(target,loc);  // A vector pointing from the location to the target
     // Normalize desired
     // Steering = Desired minus Velocity
     steer = PVector.sub(desired,vel);
     steer.limit(maxforce);  // Limit to maximum steering force
    acc.add(steer);  // Steer towards it
// drawWanderStuff(loc,circleloc,target,wanderR);
 void render() {
   // Draw a triangle rotated in the direction of velocity
    PVector l = new PVector(0, loc.y, 0);
   PVector v ;
   v = vel.get();
    PVector crss = vel.cross(l);
  float theta = PVector.angleBetween(v, l);

translate(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z);
rotate(-theta, crss.x, crss.y, crss.z);

 // Wraparound
 void borders() {
   if (loc.x < -r) loc.x = 1000+r;
   if (loc.y < -r) loc.y = 1000+r;
   if (loc.z < -1000-r) loc.z = 0-r;
   if (loc.x > 1000+r) loc.x = -r;
   if (loc.y > 1000+r) loc.y = -r;
   if (loc.z > 0+r) loc.z = -1000-r;


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