My project is about the location, the techniques I use are up to me.
I first thougth about RFID, but time is running and using some small PCs with bluetooth built-in seems to be much easier. Especially as I am not that into soldering, Arduino etc...
I know, that this only works if the users have bluetooth enabled on their phones, but as I said technique doesn't matter - it's rather a proof of concept. And I need to get it done

The Location is small, just about 10 to 12m along a wall. So with 3 PCs I can cover the area well.
(If I limit the space behind the users, so that the depth of the room plays no role)
And there are no walls or other signal-distracting objects.
Bluetooth Tracking has been done (in a much larger scale):
3w techradar dot com /news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/festival-fans-tracked-by-bluetooth-
scanners-613562 (Remove spaces and insert dots, I am not allowed to post URLs, yet...)
With bluetoothDesktop I already managed to detect phones - without user interaction. It just needs to be turned on, of course.
But bluetoothDesktop provides no information about the signal strength...
Of course I am open to every solution using bluetooth or not,
but for me it seems the easiest, and more important fastest, way to use existing technology...
I googled before posting, but could'nt find other bluetooth libaries, do you know any?