Dear Processing community,
as (for Mac OS X) is probably attracting a lot of more newcomers to Processing (like myself), here is my question:
How do we have to organize the downloaded zip-file to have it in our sketchbook for our own experiments with code variations?
When Unzipping I got the following file structure:
By consulting the Processing Reference, I found the
Sketchbook located in
with libraries empty and a "hello world" test-sketch in the directory
sketch_jul04a.pde, which I produced myself.
My first intuitive try was to drag and drop the zip file on the workspace
(i.e. editor window), but this comfortable way didn't work.
So I ask you for the handling of this source download.
Thank you
PS0.:Suggestion: What about a
Web Sketch Import function, that takes away the described handling trouble for the benefit of as many as possible people.
Perhaps there is even such a trick, I didn't discover yet

Meanwhile I asked also here:
Jul 4
th, 2009, 1:49pm
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Three questions to the software of EricRosenbaum
Dear Eric, thank you for sharing your work and innovative software with the open community.
As I know that the time of a creative person is extremely precious, I write to you this email as a wikipage <-> OpenLetterToEricRosenbaum , bilinked from the wikipages <-> and <-> to give your work and marvels even more exposure.
If you answer there, or in the forum [[1]], your writing serves thousands of interested people with one stroke and you need not waist your time in bilateral emails. Of course, the same holds for all other peers, involved in this dialogue, which I happily connect with each other, by annotating, bookmarking and bilinking the involved public spaces.
(1) As I tried my best to find out, I posted my questions, concerning GlowDoodle, how to set up this software as a sketch in Processing on [Processing:].
Could you please advise us how to set up a sketch of ?
(2) Searching for your email address, I found a nice applet of you, CuriosityMachine, for which I ask permission, to use it for demonstrations, how to embed it into social annotations, like this one [Trailfire:CuriosityEngine] .
(3) Do you grant similar permissions for your other applets, found at and ?
Best fridemar 17:47, 4 July 2009 (PDT)
Collaboration | OpenBusiness | OpenSource
If somebody here could answer, this helps to reduce the burdon of Eric.
Thank you.
Jul 4
th, 2009, 6:03pm