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IndexDiscussionExhibition › 9 pass integer sort
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9 pass integer sort (Read 512 times)
9 pass integer sort
Jun 9th, 2009, 10:18am
A sort method I am using on another project.
Result of this thread: http://processing.org/discourse/yabb2/num_1238624609.html

Displays the sorted array as an image.

I don't think it can be optimized anymore...

// ==============WARNING: Can use up a lot of memory!========================
* The Good:
* Decent speed for large array.
* Customizable sort method (I may be the only one that wants this feature :P )
* Constant number of passes to sort, regardless of the data inside the array
* The Bad:
* 2*n + 1536 bytes memory footprint (and some variables)
* Only works with integer arrays, but could probably be made to work with characters in a string
* A presorted array takes the same number of steps as an unsorted array
* The Ugly?:
* Using random() to generate the values can take longer than it does to sort them...
* Click to create and sort an array of int's
* When sorting 16M ints (4096x4096), if it seems to take a very long time on your machine,
* try changing w or h even by one, I have only seen this occasionally, but it seems to make a difference
* at the 24-32 bit transition. My only guess is that it has something to do with JIT looking for optimization.

int w = 2048, h = 2048; // 4M takes on average a 1/2 second on my machine

PImage out;

int[] datasrc;
int[][] counts = new int[4][256];

void setup() {


out = createImage(w, h, ARGB);

datasrc = new int[out.pixels.length];

counts = new int[4][256];


void mouseClicked() {


for (int i=0; i<out.pixels.length; i++) {
out.pixels[i] = ((int)random(65536) << 16) + (int)random(65536);
counts = new int[4][256];

int tmr = millis();
// Prepare stats on data
// Pass 1
for (int i=0; i<out.pixels.length; i++) {
counts[0][out.pixels[i] & 0xff]++;
counts[1][((out.pixels[i] >> 8) & 0xff)]++;
counts[2][((out.pixels[i] >> 16) & 0xff)]++;
counts[3][((out.pixels[i] >> 24) & 0xff)]++;

// Sorts by each channel separately
// Result is from smallest to largest (by numeric value)
srtArray(out.pixels, datasrc, 0); //Blue
srtArray(datasrc, out.pixels, 1); //Green
srtArray(out.pixels, datasrc, 2); //Red
srtArray(datasrc, out.pixels, 3); //Alpha


println("Done. Integers sorted: " + out.pixels.length);
println("Time including Scanning (ms): " + (millis() - tmr));


void srtArray(int[] tosort, int[] target, int depth) {

int i=0;
int x=0;
int tx=0;

if (tosort == target) {
println("cannot copy to source");

int[] offs = new int[256];
int[] subs = new int[256];

tx = depth << 3;

// Pass A
// Calculates the offset of each level (0 - 255) within the array
int addup = 0;
int[] cur = counts[depth];//remove one level of indirection by taking a local reference
for (i=1; i<256; i++) {
addup += cur[i-1];
offs[i] = addup;

// Pass B
// location of datum is levelOffset + numOfSameLevelFound
for (i=0; i<tosort.length; i++) {
x = ((tosort[i] >> tx) & 0xff);

target[offs[x] + subs[x]++] = tosort[i];


void draw() {

Edit: and its not really 9 full loops, pass A of the function is only 256 cycles long.
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