YaBB Newbies
Posts: 3
Working with phidgets
Jun 2nd , 2009, 2:29am
Hello everybody! I am new at processing. I bought the PhidgetInterFaceKit 8/8/8 and I am trying to program an accelerometer. I found this code in the Internet: import com.phidgets.*; import com.phidgets.event.*; AccelerometerPhidget am = null; PFont font; // function to open and read the accelerometer void setupAccelerometer() { try { am = new AccelerometerPhidget(); am.addAccelerationChangeListener(new AccelerationChangeListener() { public void accelerationChanged(AccelerationChangeEvent ae) { } } ); // connect to Accelerometer am.openAny(); //am.getAttachedDevices(); println(am.isAttached()); println("Waiting for Accelerometer"); //am.waitForAttachment(); println("OK ready to go"); } catch(Exception e) { println("ERROR"); System.out.println(e); } } void setup() { size(400,140); background(50); font = loadFont("ArialMT-48.vlw"); //remember to create the font // setup Accelerometer setupAccelerometer(); } void draw() { background(50); try { float ax = (float)am.getAcceleration(0); //accelerometer values are doubles float ay = (float)am.getAcceleration(1); //convert first to float float az = (float)am.getAcceleration(2); float mAx = map(ax, -1, 1, 0, 255); //map them to something reasonable float mAy = map(ay, -1, 1, 0, 255); float mAz = map(az, -1, 1, 0, 255); int imAx = int(mAx); //then convert the values to int int imAy = int(mAy); int imAz = int(mAz); if(imAx < 0){ //the mapping does not work all the time imAx = 0; //this gets rid of the negative values } if(imAy < 0){ imAy = 0; } if(imAz < 0){ imAx = 0; } if(imAx > 255){ //and this gets rid of the values over the limit imAx = 255; } if(imAy > 255){ imAy = 255; } if(imAz > 255){ imAz = 255; } fill(imAx); rect(30, 40, 55, 55); textFont(font); text(imAx, 30, 120); fill(imAy); rect(100, 40, 55, 55); textFont(font); text(imAy, 100, 120); fill(imAz); rect(170, 40, 55, 55); textFont(font); text(imAz, 170, 120); fill(0); rect(240, 40, 55, 55); rect(310, 40, 55, 55); //print("x axis = "); //println(am.getAcceleration(0)); // Index 0 is the x-axis //print("y axis = "); //println(am.getAcceleration(1)); // 1 is the y-axis //print("z axis = "); //println(am.getAcceleration(2)); // 2 is the z-axis //you can use am.getAccelerationMax or Min get the max and min values //println(am.getAxisCount()); //getAxisCount returns the number of axis the //the accelerometer has } catch(Exception e) { println("ERROR"); System.out.println(e); } } But when i run it on processing, it always gets stuck on the part: "Waiting for accelerometer". With the PhidgetInterfaceKit it works, i mean, i see the values changing when i move the accelerometer. Can anyone help me with this part in processing? Thanks a lot