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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpElectronics,  Serial Library › sending text from processing to ardiuno
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sending text from processing to ardiuno (Read 1505 times)
sending text from processing to ardiuno
Jun 1st, 2009, 3:06am
I taking an rss feed from the internet, breaking it down into individual characters and sending it from processing to the arduino to be displayed on an led matrix. I have got it working ok, its just that the entire feed is sent to the led matrix in a split second. How is this slowed down, is it using a buffer? Here is th code I am curently using for processing and arduino.


import processing.serial.*;
Serial port;
String buffer = ""; // Accumulates characters coming from Arduino
int twit = 0;

void setup(){
 String arduinoPort = Serial.list()[1];
 port = new Serial(this, arduinoPort, 9600); // connect to Arduino
//download cable com5 - 1
//data cable com8 - 4

void draw(){
int startingPoint = 0;
Twitter twitter;
int myFriendsCount;
User[] friends;
String username = "********";
String password = "*********";
twitter = new Twitter(username,password);
String myTimeline;
int tlLength; // string length of the timeline passed from twitter
PFont font;

 // Setup font
 font = loadFont("CourierNew36.vlw");
 textFont(font, 18);

java.util.List statuses = twitter.getUserTimeline();
 //List statuses = twitter.getUserTimeline();
         Status status = (Status)statuses.get(0);
         println(status.getUser().getName() + ":" + status.getText());
         size (500,150);
         background (0);
         text((status.getText()), 20, 25);
         //tlLength = status.getText().length();
        //println (tlLength);
        myTimeline = new String(status.getText());
       // println(myTimeline);
        // send to pic LED display
catch( TwitterException e)
// catch error here


//println("more again");

void charToSerial(String str1)
 int strLen;
 strLen = str1.length();
 for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++)
  port.write(str1.charAt(i)); // send data to Arduino

 if (port.available() > 0) { // check if there is data waiting
   int inByte = port.read(); // read one byte
   if (inByte != 10) { // if byte is not newline
     buffer = buffer + char(inByte); // just add it to the buffer
   else {

     if (buffer.length() > 1) {

       buffer = buffer.substring(0,buffer.length() -1);
delay (1000);
              twit = int(buffer);

       buffer = "";




//I'll save you raking through all my sprites and just give you the imprtant bit.....

void setup() {
 // initialize serial communication:


void loop() {
 // see if there's incoming serial data:
 if (Serial.available() > 0) {
   // read the oldest byte in the serial buffer:
   incomingByte = Serial.read();
      if (incomingByte == 'a'){
          buffer[pointer]= Serial.read();
          delay (500);

Does anyone hve any suggestions?
Re: sending text from processing to ardiuno
Reply #1 - Jun 17th, 2009, 2:30pm
Isn't it enough to just add another delay in Processing?

void charToSerial(String str1) {
int strLen;
strLen = str1.length();
for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++) {
port.write(str1.charAt(i)); // send data to Arduino

I guess the issue might be whether this pause in the program has an effect on serial communication...
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