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Large video performance (Read 1951 times)
Large video performance
May 24th, 2009, 2:52pm

I am new to Processing and have questions regarding video playback.

I have tried both the default video library and JMCMovie and I am getting really poor performance.

Should Processing not be able to play 2400 x 600 video easily??  

All I am doing is playing the video.  I am not doing any kind of analysis.

I should tell you what I am trying to do.  I want to use Processing's simple network library to create a video wall with 4 computers.  The server would would be playing a video and on each frame it would write a message to the clients, and they would jump to the same frame.

So my two concerns are:

- Will Processing handle the 2400 x 600 video
- Will I be able to position the playhead in the clients accurately


Re: Large video performance
Reply #1 - May 26th, 2009, 11:24am

Should Processing not be able to play 2400 x 600 video easily??

Have you done it?

Re: Large video performance
Reply #2 - May 26th, 2009, 2:04pm
I have not. (I just don't have any videos that size)

How does your system handle drawing an image of that size?
Do you have similar trouble playing the video within Quicktime itself?

By the way, is the video created from another sketch? I may build one just to try...
Re: Large video performance
Reply #3 - May 26th, 2009, 4:23pm

thank you for your reply.  The video plays very well in every video player I have tested.  

Unfortunately the video is not created from a sketch. But you can download it from here if you want to try.:

Note: I am not allowed to post a link so you must 'decode' this Smiley

It is not exactly 2400 x 600 but it is the test file that I am using until I will get the final rendering.


Re: Large video performance
Reply #4 - May 27th, 2009, 9:48am
I haven't been able to run it in Processing yet. (I think I need to update... something)

What kind of hardware will this be playing on?

Playing it in VLC works fine as long as the window does not cross from one monitor to the next. When that happens, it gets really choppy.
Until I find an adapter, my display is split between two video cards.
Re: Large video performance
Reply #5 - Jan 28th, 2010, 7:20am
is there anything new regarding the video performance of processing? it seems that even small video like a .mov (h264) with 640x480 is playing quite poorly. is there any trick doing this?

in long term i'd need to do a resolution of 10.000x3000. That, from my point of view right now, seems to be nearly impossible with only one computer. isn't it?

Re: Large video performance
Reply #6 - Mar 2nd, 2010, 10:28am
I had good results playing larger video through openCV (I used openCV video playback instead of processing one), but never tested it with a so large movie.
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