I have started using Arch Linux, and wanted to get Processing working on it.
I was able to download and run Processing just fine, and have so far been able to run any example I throw at it. It also ran a large program I wrote, from back when I was using Windows. Very pleased with this.
However, one program I wrote uses the SoundCipher library. On Windows I was able to put the soundcipher library folder in either the sketchbook/libraries/ folder OR the processing/libraries/ folder and have it find it no problem.
Arch Linux is not finding it so easily. I have put the soundcipher folder in just about every location I can think of. And I have downloaded and extracted the zip as both a user and root, but that does not seem to have mattered. I have also tried various sketchbook locations.
I can however use other, pre-included, libraries (such as opengl).
I have really tried everything I can think of, and am running out of ideas.
Oh, and here is the error I get when I try to run even the simplest "Bing" example (which just makes a little beep):
The package "arb" does not exist. You might be missing a library.
and the import line is:
import arb.soundcipher.*;
I did notice the pre-included libraries usually say:
import proecessing.something.*;
but when I tried to change my import line to be similar it still did not work. (and I did not have to do any such thing on Windows, so I was not surprised)
Any thoughts? Thanks.