ANAR+ is a 3D library for Processing extending Geometric functionalities. The main purpose is to create a bridge between programming with P5 and CAD environements. The library website is On the site, you could find a large set of examples. Currently, the best documentation is to have a look at the examples and the JavaDOC ( APIViz helped us to create a more interractive documentation. Still in alpha state, here's a list of features that we have been working on:
- Geometric Associativity (aka Parametric Modeling)
- Scenegraph for processing
- Geometric datastructure (groups, objects, faces, lines, points)
- Extended Geometric manipulations\transformations
- Object based modular renders
- Export for various CAD formats
- Simulation Framework
- Particles Physic Simulation
- Asynchronus Variational Integretor (similar to Finite Elements Modeling)
- Logo like operations (for LSystems)
- Optimizations engines (PSO,GA)
- Cardinal curves and surfaces
- Basic Camera, view and walkthrough
I'm really pleased to share this project with P5 community. This library have a long history behind. I really hope that you would found this library usefull. Please try the examples and please let us know what you think of this library.