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IndexProcessing DevelopmentLibraries,  Tool Development › updates for contributed libraries
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updates for contributed libraries (Read 10912 times)
updates for contributed libraries
May 1st, 2009, 10:36pm
i will be using this space to post libraries related updates.

6 new libraries have been added to the contributed libraries page.
Katrin Lang's NPR library provides a non-photo-realistic renderer for 3D models. Yonas Sandbaek's postToWeb lets you upload various file formats directly to a web server. Peter Lager's G4P gui for processing has been added to the graphic interfaces. use jLyst's tuioZones  to set zones within a multi-touch screen to respond to TUIO messages sent from a tracking application. MSAFluid by Memo Atken lets you experiment with fluid dynamics simulation. Ollie Bown's Beads is a realtime audio library for computer music and sonic art, take a look at the 8-bit synthesizer project found in this discourse post.

the google api library has been grayed out since it has been reported as outdated.

if you encounter a library that does not work anymore for reasons which are not related to the location of a library or the error message "Note that release 1.0, libraries must be installed in a folder named 'libraries' inside the 'sketchbook' folder.", please feel free to report your findings in the library does not work anymore topic.


p.s. katrin's NPR library is part of her Master's Thesis 'Integration of Non-Photoreealistic Rendering for 3D models in Processing', in case you are using the library, let her know.

Re: updates for contributed libraries
Reply #1 - Aug 24th, 2009, 9:58am
Libraries update August 2009.
9 new libraries have been added to the contributed libraries page.

ttslib by Nikolaus Gradwohl
ttslib (Text-To-Speech) is a wrapper around freetts and can be used to give your sketches a voice.

Import \ Export
MRI3DS by Victor Martins
Load 3d studio .3ds files into your processing sketches.
ObjImport by Victor Martins
This library imports .obj files and supports groups, material references, vertex-, normal-, and texture-coordinates.

Computer Vision / Video
integralhistogram by Giovanni Tarducci and Alessio Barducci
The integral histogram method allows to obtain the color or intensity histogram of all possible target regions in a Cartesian data space.
P-SURF by Claudio Fantacci and Alessandro Martini
An implementation of the SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) feature detector to search for discrete image correspondences.
CbModel by Federico Bartoli
CbModel is a library for motion detection based on background modeling and subtraction.

UnwrappingLib by Martin Fuchs
unwrap low polygon models for reconstruction and digital production.
VolTon by Joseph Scully
VolTron allows you to plot 3D volumetric forms from .img and .raw.gz data sets as voxels or pixelclouds.

Data / Protocols
Arduino Library by David A. Mellis
This Processing library communicates with Arduino boards that are running a standard firmware called Firmata.

Big thanks to all the contributors.

(The google API library has been removed.
The URLs to Christian Riekoff's libraries have been updated.)

Re: updates for contributed libraries
Reply #2 - Jan 17th, 2010, 10:53pm
Libraries update January 2010
11 new libraries have been added to the contributed libraries page.

echonest by melka.
A wrapper to simplify the use of the Echo Nest API.

Computer Vision \ Video
flob by Andre Sier.
A fast multi-blob detector and tracker using flood-fill algorithms.

keystone by David Bouchard.
A video projection mapping library to warp sketches onto any flat surface by using corner pin keystoning
mother by Ilias Bergstrom.
A program that allows VJing with Processing sketches.

tween by  Ekene Ijeoma.
A library for tweening objects and parameters as single, grouped or sequenced tweens.

Hardware Interface
ProTablet by Andres Colubri.
A library that encapsulates the JPen package to access graphic tablets in Java.
novation launchpad by Tobias Bielohlawek.
This library provides an interface to access novation's launchpad programmatically.

Data and Protocols
Tweet Stream by Mark McBride.
The Tweet Stream library provides a simple way to access the Twitter streaming API from within Processing.

wordookie by Michael Ogawa.
A library to create wordle like word clouds.

Shapes 3D by Peter Lager.
Create 3D shapes such as a Helix, Cone, or Tube. Shapes are supported in P3D and OpenGL mode.
anar by LaBelle and Nembrini.
A set of libraries for parametric modeling.

give it a go!

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