Libraries update August 2009.
9 new libraries have been added to the
contributed libraries page.
Soundttslib by Nikolaus Gradwohl
ttslib (Text-To-Speech) is a wrapper around freetts and can be used to give your sketches a voice.
Import \ ExportMRI3DS by Victor Martins
Load 3d studio .3ds files into your processing sketches.
ObjImport by Victor Martins
This library imports .obj files and supports groups, material references, vertex-, normal-, and texture-coordinates.
Computer Vision / Videointegralhistogram by Giovanni Tarducci and Alessio Barducci
The integral histogram method allows to obtain the color or intensity histogram of all possible target regions in a Cartesian data space.
P-SURF by Claudio Fantacci and Alessandro Martini
An implementation of the SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) feature detector to search for discrete image correspondences.
CbModel by Federico Bartoli
CbModel is a library for motion detection based on background modeling and subtraction.
3DUnwrappingLib by Martin Fuchs
unwrap low polygon models for reconstruction and digital production.
VolTon by Joseph Scully
VolTron allows you to plot 3D volumetric forms from .img and .raw.gz data sets as voxels or pixelclouds.
Data / ProtocolsArduino Library by David A. Mellis
This Processing library communicates with Arduino boards that are running a standard firmware called Firmata.
Big thanks to all the contributors.
(The google API library has been removed.
The URLs to Christian Riekoff's libraries have been updated.)