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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpOpenGL and 3D Libraries › DXF output and camera
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DXF output and camera (Read 452 times)
DXF output and camera
Mar 31st, 2009, 8:39am
(I originally posted this in the Other Libraries forum, but this might be the better place. Apologies if it's not.)

I'm new to Processing in 3D, and I'm just learning about the DXF output. It's looking good, but I'm hitting my head against a simple puzzle.

If I run my code with no camera statement, I don't see any of my objects on the screen, but the DXF output is correct - objects are all aligned with their proper axes.

If I run my code with a camera statement, it looks great on screen, but the DXF output is tilted at a funny angle. I suspect that the objects are being saved in the camera coordinate system, not the world coordinate system.

Is there an easy solution? Can I both preview my objects on the screen with an arbitrary camera and output them to the file in the proper, camera-independent, coordinate system?

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