YaBB Newbies
Posts: 1
Mar 30th , 2009, 11:27pm
What I try to do is read from two sensors: light and slider after received at the serial port into reading from light sensor (valP_light) and reading from slider sensor (valP_slider) But why is this not working? import processing.serial.*; Serial port; // Create object from Serial class int valP_slider; // Data received from the serial port - variable to store the slider sensor reading int valP_light; // Data received from the serial port - variable to store the light sensor reading PImage image_a, image_b; byte[] inBuffer = new byte[2046]; //size of the serial buffer to allow for end of data characters and all chars (see arduino code) void setup() { size(800, 600); //size of window noStroke(); frameRate(60); // Run 60 frames per second // Open the port that the board is connected to and use the same speed (9600 bps) port = new Serial(this, "COM5", 9600); } void draw() { if (0 < port.available()) { // If data is available to read, port.readBytesUntil('&', inBuffer); //read in all data until '&' is encountered if (inBuffer != null) { String myString = new String(inBuffer); String[] p = splitTokens(myString, "&"); //p is all sensor data (with a's and b's) ('&' is eliminated) String[] slider_sensor = splitTokens(p[0], "b"); //get slider sensor reading valP_slider= int(slider_sensor[1]); print(valP_slider); println(" "); String[] light_sensor=splitTokens(p[0], "a"); //get light sensor reading valP_light= int (light_sensor[1]); print(valP_light); println(" "); image_a = loadImage("Background.jpg"); tint(255,255,valP_light); image(image_a, 0, 0); } } }