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searching arraylist (Read 2708 times)
Re: searching arraylist
Reply #30 - May 7th, 2009, 1:12am
Im getting to desperation point, im still struggling to get the first half of code (the incoming messages from the db) and the searching part working together as a whole.....i really would appreciate any help with this.
Re: searching arraylist
Reply #31 - May 7th, 2009, 7:12am
Don't worry, I think that this evening or tomorrow I should find some time to show some code here.

Not entirely sure how you want stuff to be displayed, I think I will grab the new messages from the DB and play an animation per message, up to 3 (or more or less) simultaneously.
The idea is:
- if I grab, say, 3 messages or less, I assign them to a pre-defined sub-area of the sketch area (allowing a bit of overlap but not to much, for readability) and play the animations.
- if I get more, I play the first 3 and at the end of the animation I play the next 3, etc.

I hope I caught your idea, if you have adjustments to suggest, just say! Smiley
Re: searching arraylist
Reply #32 - May 10th, 2009, 4:48pm
hey i was wondering if anyone can help build on what philho has sent me, im getting to desperation time now and its driving me crazy

i have messages getting pulled in from a db, they are being check for a specific word then the text is displayed depending on what class is triggered by a word.

problem im having with the code is that the text and the scalable vectors im calling in go crazy when i try to change the positions so the appear static and then start cropping up about 100 times a second can someone help point out what is going wrong ?

Showdbmessages class

import java.sql.Timestamp;

final color BACK_COLOR = color(200);
final int BASE_DISPLAY_FONT_SIZE = 50;
final int BASE_MESSAGE_DISPLAY_TIME = 4; // in seconds
final int MESSAGE_DISPLAY_NB = 5; // How many sentences are displayed simultaneously
final int DB_CHECK_INTERVAL = 5; // in seconds
int lastCheck = - DB_CHECK_INTERVAL - 1;

int startFrameCount;
int currentFrameCount;
String sentence;
Drawer drawer;

DBMessages dbMessageList;
MessageDisplayer[] displayedMessages = new MessageDisplayer[MESSAGE_DISPLAY_NB];

void setup()
 size(1000, 700);

 PFont f = createFont("Arial Bold", BASE_DISPLAY_FONT_SIZE);

 dbMessageList = new DBMessages(this);
 for (int i = 0; i < MESSAGE_DISPLAY_NB; i++)

void stop()
//~   println("Stopping connection");

void draw()
 for (int i = 0; i < MESSAGE_DISPLAY_NB; i++)
   MessageDisplayer displayer = displayedMessages[i];
   if (displayer.HasEnded())
     println("Time to update " + i);
     // Animation for this message has ended, replace it with another message
     // from the queue

void UpdateMessageList(int i)
 // Get a fresh new message (or a random old one)
 Message message = dbMessageList.GetMessage();

 // Sentence to display
 String sentence = message.m_message;
 MessageDisplayer displayer = GetDisplayer(sentence);
 displayedMessages[i] = displayer;

MessageDisplayer GetDisplayer(String sentence)
 Drawer drawer = null;
 String lowS = sentence.toLowerCase();
 if (lowS.indexOf("hide") >= 0)
   drawer = new Shrinker(sentence, #2288FF);
 else if (lowS.indexOf("free") >= 0)
   drawer = new Grower(sentence, #992200);
 else if (lowS.indexOf("yellow") >= 0 || lowS.indexOf("tang") >= 0)
   drawer = new ColorMove(sentence, #FFFF55, #99FF22, BASE_MESSAGE_DISPLAY_TIME * random(0.5, 1.5));
 else // Default
   drawer = new ColorMove(sentence, #FFFFFF, #000000, BASE_MESSAGE_DISPLAY_TIME * random(1.0, 2.0));
 println("Using " + drawer + " with " + sentence.substring(0, min(sentence.length(), 20)));
 return new MessageDisplayer(drawer);

colormove class

class ColorMove implements Drawer
 String message;
 color col1, col2;
 float duration;

 ColorMove(String m, color c1, color c2, float d)
   message = m;
   col1 = c1;
   col2 = c2;
   duration = d;
 void Draw(int frame)
   float a = frame / (GetDuration() * frameRate);
   fill(lerpColor(col1, col2, a));
  // float posX = lerp(width - textWidth(message), 0, a);
  // float posY = lerp(height - BASE_DISPLAY_FONT_SIZE, 0, a);
  float posX = random(100,400);
  float posY = random(100,900);
   text(message, posX, posY);
 float GetDuration()
   return duration;

dbmessages class

import java.sql.Timestamp;
import de.bezier.data.sql.*;

public class DBMessages
 private MySQLLayer database;

 static final long DB_CHECK_INTERVAL = 2; // seconds
 private long lastCheck = - DB_CHECK_INTERVAL - 1;
 private Timestamp lastTimestamp = new Timestamp(0L);

 private ArrayList messageList = new ArrayList();

 public DBMessages(PApplet pa)
   database = new MySQLLayer(pa);
  * Clean up routine, must be called at the end of the program.
 public void Stop()

  * Gets the next message (oldest), removing it from the list.
  * If none is available, returns a random message from the database.
 public Message GetMessage()
   Message message;
   if (messageList.size() == 0)
     // Empty queue, get a random message
     message = database.GetRandomMessage();
     message = (Message) messageList.remove(0);
   return message;

  * When getting a message, if it is time to poll the database again,
  * gets all new messages and add them to the queue.
 protected void UpdateData()
   long time = millis() / 1000;
   if (time - lastCheck > DB_CHECK_INTERVAL)
     lastCheck = time;
     ArrayList newMessages = (ArrayList) database.GetNewMessages(lastTimestamp);
     for (int i = 0; i < newMessages.size(); i++)
       Message message = (Message) newMessages.get(i);
       lastTimestamp = message.m_date;

message class

import java.sql.Timestamp;

public class Message
 public String m_author;
 public String m_message;
 public Timestamp m_date;

 public Message(String author, String message, Timestamp date)
   m_author = author;
   m_message = message;
   m_date = date;


public interface Drawer
 public void Draw(int frame);
 public float GetDuration();

public class MessageDisplayer
 private Drawer m_drawer;
 private int m_startFrame;
 private long m_startTime;
 private long m_endTime;

 public MessageDisplayer(Drawer drawer)
   m_drawer = drawer;
   m_startFrame = frameCount;
   m_startTime = millis();
   m_endTime = m_startTime + int(drawer.GetDuration() * 1000);
 public void Draw()
   m_drawer.Draw(frameCount - m_startFrame);
 public boolean HasEnded()
   return millis() >= m_endTime;

Re: searching arraylist
Reply #33 - May 10th, 2009, 4:50pm
mysqllayer class

import de.bezier.data.sql.*;
import java.sql.Timestamp;

static final String TABLE_NAME = "inbound";

public class MySQLLayer
 private MySQL m_mySQL;

 public MySQLLayer(PApplet pa)
   m_mySQL = new MySQL(pa, "", "daver", "daver", "superhero");
   if (!m_mySQL.connect())
     System.err.println("Cannot connect to database!");

 public void Disconnect()

 public int GetCount()
   m_mySQL.query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + TABLE_NAME);
   return m_mySQL.getInt(1);

 public ArrayList GetNewMessages(Timestamp previousDate)
   String query = "SELECT creator, message, date_added FROM " + TABLE_NAME +
       " WHERE date_added > '" + FormatTimestamp(previousDate) + "'" +
       " ORDER BY date_added ASC";
//~     System.out.println(query);

   ArrayList newMessageList = new ArrayList();
   while (m_mySQL.next())
     String a = m_mySQL.getString(1);
     String m = m_mySQL.getString(2);
     Timestamp d = m_mySQL.getTimestamp(3);
     Message msg = new Message(a, m, d);
   println("Read " + newMessageList.size() + " messages");
   return newMessageList;

 public Message GetMessage(int idx)
   m_mySQL.query("SELECT creator, message, date_added FROM " + TABLE_NAME +
       " WHERE id=" + idx
   String a = m_mySQL.getString(1);
   String m = m_mySQL.getString(2);
   Timestamp d = m_mySQL.getTimestamp(3);
   return new Message(a, m, d);

 public Message GetRandomMessage()
   m_mySQL.query("SELECT creator, message, date_added FROM " + TABLE_NAME +
       " ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0, 1"
   String a = m_mySQL.getString(1);
   String m = m_mySQL.getString(2);
   Timestamp d = m_mySQL.getTimestamp(3);
   println("Read a random message");
   return new Message(a, m, d);

 public String FormatHour(Timestamp ts)
   DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
   return formatter.format(ts);

 public String FormatTimestamp(Timestamp ts)
   DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
   return formatter.format(ts);

shrinker class

class Shrinker implements Drawer
 String message;
 color col;

 Shrinker(String m, color c)
   message = m;
   col = c;
 void Draw(int frame)
   float a = frame / (float) (GetDuration() * frameRate);
   textSize(lerp(BASE_DISPLAY_FONT_SIZE, 0, a));
   float posX = lerp(width - textWidth(message), 0, a);
   float posY = lerp(height - BASE_DISPLAY_FONT_SIZE, 0, a);
   text(message, posX, posY);
 float GetDuration()

class Grower implements Drawer
 String message;
 color col;

 Grower(String m, color c)
   message = m;
   col = c;
 void Draw(int frame)
   float a = frame / (float) (GetDuration() * frameRate);
   textSize(lerp(0, BASE_DISPLAY_FONT_SIZE, frame / (float) BASE_MESSAGE_DISPLAY_TIME * 2));
   float posX = lerp(width - textWidth(message), 0, a);
   float posY = lerp(height - BASE_DISPLAY_FONT_SIZE, 0, a);
   text(message, posX, posY);
 float GetDuration()
//class Hello implements Drawer
// String message;
// String col ;
// PShape bot;
// Hello(String m, color c)
// {
//   bot = loadShape("arrow1.svg");
//   message = m;
//   col = c;
// }
//  void Draw()
//  {
//  float a = frame / (float) (GetDuration() * frameRate);
//  float x = random(100,500);
//  float y = random(100,900);
//  fill(col);
//  text(message, x,y);
//  shape(bot,x,y);
//  }
//  float GetDuration()
//  {
//  }

also having a slight issue creating a new class i called it hello and tried to have a matcher but it came up with the error that the class didn't exist

Re: searching arraylist
Reply #34 - May 10th, 2009, 10:20pm
ilikebagels wrote on May 10th, 2009, 4:48pm:

  float posX = random(100,400);
  float posY = random(100,900);

I had a hard time to see what has changed, it is less practical than comparing with a diff utility... Smiley
The culprit is above: you assign a random place on the sketch on each draw, hence the described behavior.
You should put these variables as member of the class and initialize them in the constructor.
Re: searching arraylist
Reply #35 - May 10th, 2009, 11:00pm
I'm such a tool, it works............phew got it loading in the shapes and its not crazy !!! it totally amkes sense now...it didnt at 2 am
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