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MySQL, Processing (Read 4562 times)
MySQL, Processing
Mar 26th, 2009, 12:48am

I'm hoping someone can ..help..point me in the right direction.  I'll try keep it short.

I've got a database (with information being input via a PHP form) to store text and Processing to output text (using SQLibrary Florian Jenett ).

Basically what i would like to know is how do i get the information that i am grabbing from my database to update while processing is running.  RIght now i am just hitting the run button so that it 'getString' from the database every time.

Hope that makes sense.

Many thanks
Re: MySQL, Processing
Reply #1 - Mar 26th, 2009, 7:12am
you need to check if it updated from time to time. have a look here:


the idea is to have a timestamp attached to each entry. when you read data keep the highest timestamp (latest addition). then from time to time check if there are entries in the database with later timestamps ...

Re: MySQL, Processing
Reply #2 - Mar 29th, 2009, 6:02am
Hi, okay so this what i have is...

int last_timestamp;

mysql.query( "SELECT *, date_format(date, '%H:%i') as the_time FROM " + table);

my setup section

Messages current_message;

if mysql.connect())
mysql.query( "SELECT *, date_format(date, '%H:%i') as time FROM " + table);
int new_timestamp = mysql.getInt("time");
int last_tiimestamp = mysql.getInt("time");
if (last_timestamp <=new_timestamp);
last_timestamp = new_timestamp;

println(last_timestamp);  // only gives me the hour ...how do i format correcly?

I'm sure my logic is wrong...be easy im a beginner..

thank you

Re: MySQL, Processing
Reply #3 - Mar 29th, 2009, 8:13am
you are creating a local variable "last_timestamp" with the same name as the global one. you need to remove the datatype ("int").

i did a little test and this works for me:


import de.bezier.data.sql.*;

`id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,

MySQL ms;
java.sql.Timestamp last_ts;

String database = "ddd", user = "", pass = "";

void setup ()
ms = new MySQL( this, "localhost", database, user, pass );
last_ts = new java.sql.Timestamp( 0 );

if ( ms.connect() )
ms.query( "SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT 1" );
last_ts = ms.getTimestamp("time");

void draw ()
if ( ms.connect() )
ms.query( "SELECT * FROM test WHERE time > '"+last_ts+"' ORDER BY time ASC" );
while( ms.next() )
println( ms.getInt( "id" ) );
last_ts = ms.getTimestamp( "time" );

let me know how it goes ..
Re: MySQL, Processing
Reply #4 - Mar 29th, 2009, 8:18am
oh, and i should have mentioned that in my code the very first entry is not processed ( the one i load in setup to get the earliest timestamp ).

Re: MySQL, Processing
Reply #5 - Mar 29th, 2009, 4:06pm
hi, i got it working Smiley

(and ill post some code later..)

Another thing is...how do i get it to update less frequently...say every 50 secs?
Re: MySQL, Processing
Reply #6 - Mar 29th, 2009, 10:57pm
if it does not  need to be a perfect timing the easiest way is to count frames.

if ( frameCount % 60 == 0 ) {
// every 60th frame, that is about a second when you are running 60 fps
println( "now " + frameRate );

a little harder is exact timing .. it's done the same way as we did for the queries: you have to keep a timestamp.

int lastTime;

void setup ()
lastTime = millis();

void draw ()
if ( millis() - lastTime > 1000 )
// again, every second
println( "now" );
lastTime = millis();

Re: MySQL, Processing
Reply #7 - Apr 1st, 2009, 6:37am
Another little problem is i have the sql query as

mysql.query(" SELECT message, date_format(time, '%H:%i') as time FROM " + table);

but i get an error
SQL.getTimestamp(): java.sql.SQLException.

java.sql.SQLException: Cannot convert value '12:31' from column 2 to TIMESTAMP.


Re: MySQL, Processing
Reply #8 - Apr 1st, 2009, 9:32am
you should learn some SQL Smiley

it says whatever is in that column of the entry can't be converted to a timestamp, so what is in there? is that really a timestamp? i mean type "timestamp"? can you post a dump (SELECT *) of that entry?

how does your table schema look like (DESCRIBE your_table_name_here)? this is what i used for the example above.


| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(10) | | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| time | timestamp | YES | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |


Re: MySQL, Processing
Reply #9 - Apr 1st, 2009, 2:54pm
its a php time thing im using


this gets inserted in my DB

$query="insert into table_name values ('".NULL."','".$message."','".$email."','".$date2."')";

i have 4 columns, the time column one is type datetime...

FIELD        TYPE         NULL  KEY      DEFAULT      EXTRA
id               int(7)        NO       MUL        null        auto_increment      
message       text            YES              null            
email             text             YES             null            
time              datetime   YES                null            

..thanks  Cheesy
Re: MySQL, Processing
Reply #10 - Apr 1st, 2009, 10:59pm
ok then change that to be a mysql timestamp and it should work.

ALTER TABLE your_table_name_here MODIFY 'time' timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

or you need to have the php date in the same format as mysql timestamp. the exact format depends on your db i think.

or you change the db table column to be an int and work with the php time() instead. that's how most content management systems do it since it's faster on the db (only sees the int) and can be passed in and out without conversion.

Re: MySQL, Processing
Reply #11 - Apr 2nd, 2009, 12:56am
changing it to the mysql timestamp

what do i change this line to?

mysql.query(" SELECT message, date_format(time, '%H:%i') as time FROM " + table);

Re: MySQL, Processing
Reply #12 - Apr 2nd, 2009, 1:48am
mysql.query("SELECT message, time FROM " + table);

i guess .. or do you need time to be in a specific format?
Re: MySQL, Processing
Reply #13 - Apr 2nd, 2009, 5:47am
yeh i need to have it formatted to say the .. 16.30pm

or even better would be 10 mins ago, 20 mins etc..

but ill settle for the first  Wink

right now i have..

mysql.query(" SELECT message, date_format(time, '%H:%i') as time FROM " + table + " ORDER BY time");

i've changed DB to...
id              int(7)      NO         MUL      null      auto_increment      
prayer      text      YES                    null            
time        timestamp      NO                  CURRENT_TIMESTAMP            

but im still getting the errors


Re: MySQL, Processing
Reply #14 - Apr 2nd, 2009, 7:37am
and "the errors" are?
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