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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSyntax Questions › saveFrame with transparency
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saveFrame with transparency? (Read 282 times)
saveFrame with transparency?
Mar 24th, 2009, 1:06pm
hi all,

i am trying to create a movie file with an embedded alpha channel - is this possible?

i have started by trying to take the approach of exporting a graphic each frame as a .png image and then reassembling these in quicktime; problem is:

1. I can't seem to get the pg.saveFrame() option working for exporting the graphic; it will only do pg.save() which overwrites the file every frame; not much use

2. the image produced doesn't have the background, which is great but the rest of the graphic's pixels don't have any transparency/alpha channel quality to them; they are solid; i want them to have the transparency they are drawn with

any pointers anyone?


import processing.pdf.*;
PGraphics pg;

ArrayList drops;
float X = random(0,width);
float Y = random(0,height);
int raining;
int a = 5000;
PFont font;
boolean faster=true;

void setup(){
  drops = new ArrayList();
  pg = createGraphics(width, height, JAVA2D);
  font = loadFont("Surface-Medium-13.vlw");
  textFont( font );

void draw(){
  //beginRecord(PDF, "droplets-####.pdf");  
  //text("mouse over a droplet to delete it",10,10);
  for (int j = drops.size()-1; j >= 0; j--) {
       Drop drop = (Drop) drops.get(j);
       if (drop.finished()){
  if (millis() - raining > (random(0,a))){
    raining = millis();
    if (a<=-12000){
      faster = false;}
      faster = true;}
    if (faster){
      a = a-100;}
    else{  a=a+100;}
  image(pg, 0, 0);

void rain(){
  X = random(0,width);
  Y = random(0,height);
  drops.add(new Drop(X,Y));

class Drop{
  int xpos;
  int ypos;
  float i;
  int o;
  int col = int(random(0,100));
  int xDim = int(random(0,30));
  int yDim = int(random(0,30));
  float dropswell = random(1,2);
  boolean rising=true;
  Drop(float x,float y) {
    xpos = int (x);
    ypos = int (y);
void drawdrop(){
  if (col>=15){
    rising = false;}
    i++; o++;}
    i=i-0.5; o++;}  

boolean finished(){
  if ((dist(mouseX,mouseY,xpos,ypos)<20)||((255-o)<0)){
    return true;}
    return false;}}

Re: saveFrame with transparency?
Reply #1 - Mar 24th, 2009, 1:36pm
sam_mcelhinney wrote on Mar 24th, 2009, 1:06pm:
i am trying to create a movie file with an embedded alpha channel - is this possible

I am not specialist of movie formats, but I never heard such thing is possible.
At best you can make an animated Gif (unlikely given the size you need!) or an MNG file (not a popular format, alas).

1. I can't seem to get the pg.saveFrame() option working for exporting the graphic; it will only do pg.save() which overwrites the file every frame; not much use

Ah, indeed. saveFrame is specifically designed to save a displayed frame. Of course, you can use save() with a computed file name. Or just use the available (but not in Extended Reference) functions used by saveFrame:


2. the image produced doesn't have the background, which is great but the rest of the graphic's pixels don't have any transparency/alpha channel quality to them; they are solid; i want them to have the transparency they are drawn with

I don't have this problem, the fill colors have the requested transparency in the saved files.
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