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Lights (bis) (Read 323 times)
Lights (bis)
Feb 27th, 2009, 6:56pm
How can I light the sphere, as the moon in quarter, for example ?

import processing.core.*;
import processing.opengl.*;
import javax.media.opengl.*;
import javax.media.opengl.glu.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.vecmath.Color3f;
import toxi.geom.Vec3D;

public class Sphere_bis extends JFrame {

 PGraphicsOpenGL pgl;
 GL gl;

 boolean opengl=true;

 int largeur_ecran, hauteur_ecran, x1, y1, z1;
 float debut,x9,y9,z9;

 double alpha, delta, alpha_centre=5.0, delta_centre=0.0;

 sp_bis fenetre;

 float rayon_sphere=200.0f;
 float rotX, rotY, rotZ;

 PImage texImg, fond;

 int NUM_ROWS = 50, NUM_LINES = 50;
 Vec3D p[][]; //bidimensional array of vectors that compose each point in the sphere

 float sphereX[][], sphereY[][], sphereZ[][];

 public static void main(String args[])
  new Sphere_bis().setVisible(true);

 public Sphere_bis()

  add(fenetre = new sp_bis());

 class sp_bis extends PApplet {

 float u, theta, v, phi, x, y, z;

public void setup()

  Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();

 size(largeur_ecran, hauteur_ecran, opengl ? OPENGL: P3D);

 texImg = loadImage("textures_planetes/mars501.jpg");

 size(largeur_ecran, hauteur_ecran, OPENGL);

public void draw()

 pgl = (PGraphicsOpenGL) g;

 gl = pgl.beginGL();




 public void render(){



   gl.glTranslatef(x1, y1, z1);
   gl.glScalef(rayon_sphere, rayon_sphere, rayon_sphere);



  void calculer_x_y_3D(double alph, double delt)
    float facteur_zoom=1.0f;

    float centreX=(float) (largeur_ecran/2);
    float centreY=(float) (hauteur_ecran/2);
    float centreZ=150.0f+(float) (20.0*facteur_zoom);

    double ct1=180/Math.PI;

    float rayon_sphere_ciel=(float) (largeur_ecran/2*5.0f);


    x9 = centreX + rayon_sphere_ciel * (float) (Math.cos(delt)*Math.sin(alph));
    y9 = centreY + rayon_sphere_ciel * (float) (Math.cos(delta_centre)*Math.sin(delt)-Math.sin(delta_centre)*Math.cos(delt)*Mat
    z9 = centreZ + rayon_sphere_ciel * (float) (Math.sin(delta_centre)*Math.sin(delt)+Math.cos(delta_centre)*Math.cos(delt)*Mat

    // Coordonnées 2D pour les clics sur les objets.
    x1=(int) screenX(x9,y9,z9);
    y1=(int) screenY(x9,y9,z9);
    z1=(int) screenZ(x9,y9,z9);

void defineLights() {

 spotLight(255f, 0f, 0f,  // Color
           300f, 400f, 100f,     // Position
           1f, 0.0f, 0-1f,  // Direction
           (float) (PI / 2), 2f);     // Angle, concentration

 public void Sphere(){

   p = new Vec3D[NUM_ROWS][NUM_LINES];

   sphereX = new float[NUM_ROWS][NUM_LINES];
   sphereY = new float[NUM_ROWS][NUM_LINES];
   sphereZ = new float[NUM_ROWS][NUM_LINES];

   for(int i=0; i<NUM_ROWS; i++){
     u = (float)i/(NUM_ROWS-1);
     theta = u*TWO_PI;
     for(int j=0; j<NUM_LINES; j++){
       v = (float)j/(NUM_LINES-1);
       phi = PI*v;

       x = cos(theta) * sin(phi);
       y = sin(theta) * sin(phi);
       z = cos(phi);

       p[i][j] = new Vec3D(x, y, z); //normalized vector of one point in the sphere
       sphereX[i][j] = x;
       sphereY[i][j] = y;
       sphereZ[i][j] = z;

 public void renderSphere(){


   float u, uNext;
   float v;
   for(int i=0; i<NUM_ROWS; i++){


     int next = (i+1)%NUM_ROWS;
     u = (float)i/(NUM_ROWS-1);
     uNext = (float)next/(NUM_ROWS-1);

     for(int j=0; j<NUM_LINES; j++){
       v = (float)j/(NUM_LINES-1);

       gl.glTexCoord2f(u, v);
       // '-' en x pour afficher correctement la sphère.
       // Car sinon les formations et labels sont inversés de gauche à droite.
       gl.glVertex3f(-p[i][j].x, p[i][j].y, p[i][j].z);
       gl.glTexCoord2f(uNext, v);
       gl.glVertex3f(-p[next][j].x, p[next][j].y, p[next][j].z);



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