The whole thing is ultra odd!
AC you should really fix the .dll path problem, since a lot of people have problems with that.
I had a partly success solving it myself. Here is the situation:
System: WinXP SP2
1) Installed the latest Version of gsvideo resulted in Eclipse for nothing to work, so I tried the preexisting examples in processing.
2)The MovieFilter Example worked out of the Box for me. Processing copies it to "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\realtime\Eigene Dateien\Processing\MovieFilter" for my system. The original Folderstructure was kept. No gslibs in the Install Folder of Processing!
3)I wanted the Cam to work. Same situation. Sketch is installed in "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\realtime\Eigene Dateien\Processing\PainterCam", but it does not work. Differences? No??!
4) Copied the MovieFilter Project to another Sketch called CAMTEST. Since it worked, I thought it might work if I copy the code from PainterCam over to CAMTEST.
5)Guess WHAT! It worked. the PainterCam now worked.
6) the bad thing, I do not know why.
7) Btw where are the -Djava.library.path kept????????????