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help w/ a Panda (Read 331 times)
help w/ a Panda
Dec 8th, 2008, 1:20am
Hey guys,

I'm working on a Monster submission and have come across a strange obstacle involving translate() and possibly Object Hierarchy. Unfortunately I can't show all the source code for space constraints. Sketch has:

-A ground with scrolling trees when mousePressed. (works fine)
-A Panda Class with a single Panda that bobs up and down
when mousePressed. (works fine)
  -In turn, the Panda Class has within it a Limb Class that
   defines things like arms or legs. So far, only the arms  have been coded.
         -Things work as expected with ONE arm, but adding another arm causes a strange bug: one arm is off place a little, but the next(?) one is WAY off it's pivot point. The second arm appears at the bottom left of the screen and "swings" harder when mouse clicked.
         -If the translate(armX, armY) is disabled, both arms appear predictably on the top left of the screen but cannot rotate properly.

Here is the code for the Panda Class:

class Panda{ //Lemme give you a quick tour.
// Panda parts.
PImage panda; // sprite variable declaration.
float xpos;
float ypos;
float fakeX; //used to allow "bobbing" of panda as he walks
Limb rArm; // A "Limb" class, called rArm.
Limb lArm;

Panda(float tempX, float tempY) { //Building a Panda.
//Tells it where it will be in x,y space.
xpos = tempX;
ypos = tempY;
fakeX= 1; //Used for "bobbing" code.
//Limbs built here.
lArm = new Limb((xpos+65), (ypos+65));
rArm = new Limb((xpos+35), (ypos+65)); //This works properly if by itself.

void display() { //We're displaying a Panda
panda = loadImage("panda.gif");
image(panda, xpos, ypos); //actual panda body

rArm.display(); // and in turn, the arm. Maybe this is the problem?


void move() { //we're moving the panda
float noiseScale = 2.4;
ypos = ypos + sin(fakeX/2)*noiseScale;
rArm.update(ypos); //this keeps the arms at the same "altitude" as the panda.
rArm.move(); // finally, moving the arm itself.

And the Limb Class:

class Limb {
//parts of a Limb
float armX;
float armY;
float swing;
Limb(float tempX, float tempY) {

armX = tempX;
armY = tempY;
swing = 0.01; //self-explanatory.


void display() {

translate(armX, armY); // our pivot point...hopefully.
rotate(sin(swing) + HALF_PI); //nothing changed here.
ellipse(13, -2, 15, 15);


void move() {
swing += 0.23;

void update(float tempYpos) {
armY = tempYpos + 65 ;

I know that since the Panda is a custom asset you won't be able to run it AS-IS but if you just replace the panda.gif with a gray rectangle that should do (just pretend it's an angry-looking panda).
Other notes/observations:
-first disable one arm then the other.
-if you change the order so that the lArm.display() happens BEFORE the panda is displayed, you get really wacky results--the Panda rotates like it is a Limb for some reason.

Any help or pointers would be appreciated. Scratchin' my head here.
Re: help w/ a Panda
Reply #1 - Dec 8th, 2008, 11:37am
Without testing, I can see already the issue, classical: you forgot (or didn't know) that transformations like translate() and rotate() cumulate;
Simple cure: at the start of display(), add pushMatrix(), and at the end, add popMatrix().
It makes the transformations isolated in the scope of the function.
Re: help w/ a Panda
Reply #2 - Dec 8th, 2008, 8:15pm
Wow! Thanks so much I can't wait to try that out!
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