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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › How to export a sketch to AVI
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How to export a sketch to AVI ? (Read 2745 times)
How to export a sketch to AVI ?
Nov 21st, 2008, 10:54pm
How do i export a sketch to avi raw or even better png's ?

And how to i tell Processing how long the video must be , like 60 frames for example.

There is another thing, i have my sketch running at 60, but i want my avi to run acctually at 25 fps.

thanx !
Re: How to export a sketch to AVI ?
Reply #1 - Nov 22nd, 2008, 6:04pm
SaveFrame will save the current display as a png


as for stopping - just increment a counter in your draw loop and exit at the required number of frames.

your sketch won't run at 60fps if it's saving a png every frame.

as for forcing the final avi to 25fps, that's a function of whatever you're using to create the avi from the pngs rather than processing.

(i use mencoder in linux -
http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/menc-feat-enc-images.html - have used this with 15000 frames for a 10 minute animation)
Re: How to export a sketch to AVI ?
Reply #2 - Nov 22nd, 2008, 6:05pm
I used the QuickTime video library to export a movie. The code of the code is:
void setup()

// Some init code here ...

if (bExportVideo)
mm = new MovieMaker(this, width, height, "movie.mov", 24,
MovieMaker.JPEG, MovieMaker.BEST);

void draw()
// Stop on the wanted frame number
if (frameCount > MAX_FRAME_NB)
if (bExportVideo)

// Some drawing code here ...

if (bExportVideo)

Now, it won't export AVI, I think. I don't know if another library can do that.
You write exporting PNG can do the job, indeed you can post-process them with something like ffmpeg or similar.
You can use saveFrame() (or just save()) for this task.

Framerate: not an issue if you collect a bunch of PNGs, but as shown above, there is a function to control this.
Re: How to export a sketch to AVI ?
Reply #3 - Nov 23rd, 2008, 2:22pm
Thanx, i am very new, so i dont know where to put that code in my sketch,

Her's my sketch :

/*Bouncing ball

//Declare global variables
int xspeed, yspeed;
int xpos,ypos,wdth,ht;

//inicializar sketch

void setup(){

//set sketch window and background color


//ball speed

xspeed = 8;
yspeed = 9;

// ball size

wdth = 10;
ht = 10;


//initial ball placement

xpos = width /2;
ypos = height /2;


//begin animation draw

void draw (){

//update background

//lbackground (#FA005C);

// draw ball
ellipse ( xpos,ypos,wdth,ht);

//upgrade ball position


/*detects ball collition with sketch window edges also accounts for thickness of the ball

if ( xpos>width-wdth/2 || xpos<=wdth/2){
if (ypos>=height-ht/2 || ypos<=ht/2){

Can you tell me where to put the code ?

Thanx !
Re: How to export a sketch to AVI ?
Reply #4 - Nov 23rd, 2008, 2:44pm
Look at linked saveFrame() reference: it is always called at the end of draw() routine.
Re: How to export a sketch to AVI ?
Reply #5 - Nov 23rd, 2008, 4:04pm
Thanx, i tried to put the code at the end of my void draw, but i get this error, i puted the new code where its yellow.
Hope you can help me , thanx!

Re: How to export a sketch to AVI ?
Reply #6 - Nov 23rd, 2008, 6:39pm
Well, the code with x is unrelated, it is the animation example of the sample code. Just add saveFrame(). And you can use a .png extension there.
Re: How to export a sketch to AVI ?
Reply #7 - Nov 23rd, 2008, 9:58pm
Allright ! I got it , thanx !!!
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