YaBB Newbies
Posts: 4
random Color from palette
Nov 13th , 2008, 4:49am
I've been playing with the bouncing bubbles example on processing, done a few diffeerent things successfully but now I am stuck. I want to make each ball to be assigned one of 3 colours randomly. I've tried to do this by making a palette of my 3 colours, then trying to add in a random(int) as a value of balls[i]. I was hoping that then each ball would have an int(index) attached to it to be read by fill(palette[index]); at the end. Thus doesn't work (obviously, hence the post), the message a receive is "The constructor bubbles.Ball(float,float,floatflot,int,bubbles.Ball[]) is undefined". where bubbles is the name of the file. any help with this would be much appreciated? Also if there would have been an easier way to do it? code is below, cheers, Paddy int numBalls = 20; float spring = 0.05; float gravity = 0.03; float friction = -0.9; Ball[] balls = new Ball[numBalls]; color[] palette=new color[3]; float radius = 45, rotAngle = -90; float accelX, accelY; float springing = .005, damping = .95; void setup() { size(640, 600); noStroke(); smooth(); palette[0]=color(0,255,255,200); palette[1]=color(255,0,255,200); palette[2]=color(255,255,0,200); for (int i = 0; i < numBalls; i++) { balls[i] = new Ball(random(width), random(height), random(20, 40),random(int(3)), i, balls); } } void draw() { background(0); for (int i = 0; i < numBalls; i++) { balls[i].collide(); balls[i].move(); balls[i].display(); } ellipse(mouseX,mouseY,30,30); } class Ball { float x, y; float diameter; float vx = 0; float vy = 0; int index; int id; Ball[] others; Ball(float xin, float yin, float din, int indexin, int idin, Ball[] oin) { x = xin; y = yin; diameter = din; index = indexin; id = idin; others = oin; } void collide() { for (int i = id + 1; i < numBalls; i++) { float dx = others[i].x - x; float dy = others[i].y - y; float distance = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); float minDist = others[i].diameter/2 + diameter/2; if (distance < minDist) { float angle = atan2(dy, dx); float targetX = x + cos(angle) * minDist; float targetY = y + sin(angle) * minDist; float ax = (targetX - others[i].x) * spring; float ay = (targetY - others[i].y) * spring; vx -= ax; vy -= ay; others[i].vx += ax; others[i].vy += ay; } } } void move() { vy += gravity; x += vx; y += vy; if (x + diameter/2 > width) { x = width - diameter/2; vx *= friction; } else if (x - diameter/2 < 0) { x = diameter/2; vx *= friction; } if (y + diameter/2 > height) { y = height - diameter/2; vy *= friction; } else if (y - diameter/2 < 0) { y = diameter/2; vy *= friction; } float deltaX = mouseX-x; float deltaY = mouseY-y; // create springing effect deltaX *= springing; deltaY *= springing; accelX += deltaX; accelY += deltaY; // move predator's center x += accelX; y += accelY; // slow down springing accelX *= damping; accelY *= damping; } void display() { fill(palette[index]); ellipse(x, y, diameter, diameter); } }