I hadn't seen anything on discourse about this so here is my take on Wireworld.
As the title says, Wireworld is a type of cellular automata. It resembles and can simulate some electronic (digital) circuits.
A little reference
A working applet can be found at
Also, for anyone interested; the code. All you need to make your own is to save a bitmap with your four favorite colors for space, wire, electron head, and electron tail.
//My preferred colors
int SPACE=0, EH=color(0,255,255), ET=color(0,0,255), WIRE=color(255,255,0);
//Open Paint (or other graphics program) and draw in the colors you like
//int SPACE=color(255,255,255), EH=color(255,0,0), ET=color(0,255,0), WIRE=color(0);
//int SPACE=color(255,255,255), EH=color(0,255,0), ET=color(255,0,0), WIRE=color(0);
int w=512, h=512;
int addtype=0;
int[] imgout = new int[w*h];
int[] whatitwas = new int[w*h];
//boolean running=true;
PImage org = new PImage(w,h);
void setup() {
org = loadImage("reference.bmp");//it's 512x512 if you haven't guessed
arraycopy(org.pixels, imgout);
arraycopy(imgout, whatitwas);
void mouseReleased() {
int i=0;
i = mouseY * w + mouseX;
imgout[i] = addtype;
void keyReleased() {
if (keyCode == '1') {
addtype = SPACE;
} else if (keyCode == '2') {
addtype = EH;
} else if (keyCode == '3') {
addtype = ET;
} else if (keyCode == '4') {
addtype = WIRE;
void draw() {
//if (running) {
int i=0;
for (int x=1; x<w-1; x++) {
for (int y=1; y<h-1; y++) {
i = y * w + x;
if (whatitwas[i] == EH) {
imgout[i] = ET;
} else if (whatitwas[i] == ET) {
imgout[i] = WIRE;
} else if (whatitwas[i] == WIRE) {
int electcount=0;
//I am sure there is a more efficient way to do this but...
if (whatitwas[y * w + (x + 1)] == EH) electcount++;
if (whatitwas[(y + 1) * w + (x + 1)] == EH) electcount++;
if (whatitwas[(y + 1) * w + x] == EH) electcount++;
if (whatitwas[(y - 1) * w + (x + 1)] == EH) electcount++;
if (whatitwas[(y - 1) * w + x] == EH) electcount++;
if (whatitwas[(y - 1) * w + (x - 1)] == EH) electcount++;
if (whatitwas[y * w + (x - 1)] == EH) electcount++;
if (whatitwas[(y + 1) * w + (x - 1)] == EH) electcount++;
if ((electcount == 1) || (electcount == 2)) {
imgout[i] = EH;
if (mousePressed && (mouseButton == LEFT)) {
i = mouseY * w + mouseX;
imgout[i] = addtype;
arraycopy(imgout, whatitwas);
arraycopy(imgout, pixels);