YaBB Newbies
Posts: 11
Re: Optical Flow Particles Source Code
Reply #3 - Sep 30th , 2008, 12:19am
Code: import JMyron.*; final int NROWS = 50; final int NCOLS = 50; final float LIMIT = 20.0; JMyron m; Region reg1; Region reg2; PImage img1, img2; int w, h; void setup() { size(320,240); m = new JMyron(); m.start(width,height); m.findGlobs(0); img1 = createImage(width,height,ARGB); img2 = createImage(width,height,ARGB); noFill(); stroke(255,200,0); smooth(); frameRate(15); w = 4; h = 4; reg1 = new Region(0,0,20,20); reg2 = new Region(20,20,40,40); m.update(); m.imageCopy(img1.pixels); m.imageCopy(img2.pixels); img1.updatePixels(); img2.updatePixels(); } void draw() { background(0); img2.copy(img1,0,0,width,height, 0,0,width,height); img2.updatePixels(); m.update(); m.imageCopy(img1.pixels); img1.updatePixels(); image(img1,0,0); reg1.render(); reg1.update(); reg2.render(); reg2.update(); } boolean matchCol(color c1, color c2) { float d = dist(red(c1),green(c1),blue(c1), red(c2),green(c2),blue(c2)); return (d<LIMIT); } void stop() { m.stop(); super.stop(); } class Region { // left, top, right, bottom define the region rectangle. // xOff, yOff are half the size of the boundary for the neighbours. // vx, vy define the x and y components of the velocity. // rW, rH are the width and height of the region. int left, top, right, bottom; int xOff, yOff; float vx, vy; int rW, rH; int centerX, centerY; int xdirection = 1; int ydirection = 1; Region(int _l, int _t, int _r, int _b) { left = _l; top = _t; right = _r; bottom = _b; xOff = w/2; yOff = h/2; vx = 0.0; vy = 0.0; rW = right - left; rH = bottom - top; centerX = (right/2) + (left/2); centerY = (bottom/2) + (top/2); xdirection = 1; ydirection = 1; } void update() { centerX = (right/2) + (left/2); centerY = (bottom/2) + (top/2); // Calculate the flow information within the region. if (left < 1){ left += 1; right += 1; } if (top < 1) { bottom += 1; top += 1; } for (int r=top;r<bottom;r+=h) { for (int c=left;c<right;c+=w) { Point p1 = new Point(0,0); p1.x = constrain(c,0,img1.width-1); p1.y = constrain(r,0,img1.height-1); Point p2 = findPoint(p1); // p1 is the pixel in img1 - current image // p2 is the corresponding point in img2 - previous image // vx, vy - velocity is computed by the sum of difference // between the current position and previous position. vx += (p1.x-p2.x); vy += (p1.y-p2.y); drawFlow(p1,p2); } } moveRegion(); } Point findPoint(Point _p) { Point p = new Point(_p.x,_p.y); color col1 = img1.pixels[_p.y*img1.width+_p.x]; color col2 = img2.pixels[_p.y*img2.width+_p.x]; if (!matchCol(col1,col2)) { float minDiff = 9999999999.0; int l = constrain(_p.x-xOff,0,img2.width-1); int t = constrain(_p.y-yOff,0,img2.height-1); int r = constrain(_p.x+xOff,0,img2.width-1); int b = constrain(_p.y+yOff,0,img2.height-1); for (int j=t;j<b;j++) { for (int i=l;i<r;i++) { col2 = img2.pixels[j*img2.width+i]; float d = dist(red(col1),green(col1),blue(col1), red(col2),green(col2),blue(col2)); if (d<minDiff) { minDiff = d; p.x = i; p.y = j; } } } } return p; } void drawFlow(Point p1, Point p2) { stroke(0); if (p1.x!=p2.x || p1.y!=p2.y) { line(p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y); float ang = atan2(p2.y-p1.y,p2.x-p1.x); float ln = w/3.0; float tx = p1.x + ln*cos(ang-PI/6); float ty = p1.y + ln*sin(ang-PI/6); line(p1.x,p1.y,tx,ty); tx = p1.x + ln*cos(ang+PI/6); ty = p1.y + ln*sin(ang+PI/6); line(p1.x,p1.y,tx,ty); } else { line(p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y); } } void moveRegion() { println(vx+ " " +vy); if (vx < 1 && vy < 1){ top += 1; bottom += 1; } left += vx * xdirection; right += vx * xdirection; top += vy * ydirection; bottom += vy * ydirection; if (left<0) { xdirection *= -1; left = 0; right = rW; } if (right>width) { xdirection *= -1; right = width; left = right - rW; } if (top<0) { ydirection *= -1; top = 0; bottom = rH; } if (bottom>height) { ydirection *= -1; bottom = height; top = height - rH; } centerX = (right/2) + (left/2); centerY = (bottom/2) + (top/2); vx = vx*0.482; vy = vy*0.482; } void render() { rectMode(CENTER); stroke(255,0,0); fill(255,255,0,100); pushMatrix(); translate((left+right)/2,(top+bottom)/2); rect(0,0,rW,rH); popMatrix(); } } class Point { int x, y; Point(int _x, int _y) { x = _x; y = _y; } }