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Csound, OscP5 and MovieMaker (Read 756 times)
Csound, OscP5 and MovieMaker
Sep 8th, 2008, 8:45pm
Hi Folks:

I am trying to make a movie using Csound and Processing.  Csound generates sound events, some of which are accompanied by an OSC message to Processing.  On the Processing side, every message received will draw a circle whose width is related to the osc param passed in from csound.

It looks great on screen, but doesn't once I introduce the moviemaker class.  I know I should expect latency when generating video, so I'm wondering what my options are in generating accurately-timed video from osc messages. I don't need it to render correctly in realtime, I just want the video to come out with correct timing.  My processing code is below.  If I leave the MovieMaker lines commented out, the onscreen rendering is correct.  If I uncomment them, the timing is off and the graphics drawn in my OSCMessage handler seem to be cached and drawn all at once, every 8 messages or so.  Does that make sense?

import processing.video.*;
import oscP5.*;
import netP5.*;

MovieMaker mm;  
OscP5 oscP5;
NetAddress myRemoteLocation;
int index = 0;
void setup() {
 size(720, 480);
 OscProperties properties = new OscProperties();
//  mm = new MovieMaker(this, width, height, "drawing.mov");
 oscP5 = new OscP5(this,properties);

void draw() {
//  mm.addFrame();

/* incoming osc message are forwarded to the oscEvent method. */
void oscEvent(OscMessage theOscMessage) {
   OscArgument arg = theOscMessage.get(0);
   int i = arg.intValue() * 10;
 int x = int(random(width));
 int y = int(random(height));
 ellipse(x, y, i, i);

I'm a programmer, so I dug into the Processing source.  I wonder if my best option is to some slave Processing's view of time (it's system time in most spots I saw in the code) to Csound's view of time?  It's kind of analogous to a Clock Source in MIDI or Digital Audio..  
Thoughts?  Thanks people!
Re: Csound, OscP5 and MovieMaker
Reply #1 - Sep 8th, 2008, 10:48pm
What I'd do is create two states for your app -- one the "listen to OSC messages in realtime and record what I hear" state, and the other the "render the movie" state. Then you'll have your app do them in sequence, so it can take its time on the movie rendering w/out worrying about missing OSC messages.

So, I see you're listening for OSC messages that assign variables x, y, and i. I'd create arrays of ints up top --

int[] x;
int[] y;
int[] i;
int TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_FRAMES = (whatever you want);

-- and then in your setup function, initialize them all:


Then, in the "listen" mode of your app, you'll use these functions:

void drawListen() { // listen mode
// nothing!

void oscEvent(OscMessage theOscMessage) { // listen mode
 OscArgument arg = theOscMessage.get(0);
 i[frameCount] = arg.intValue() * 10;
 x[frameCount] = int(random(width));
 y[frameCount] = int(random(height));

Then, create ANOTHER draw function for drawing mode, which will be something like:

void drawRender() { // render mode
 ellipse(x[frameCount], y[frameCount], i[frameCount], i[frameCount]);

So now you have two different draw() functions -- one for when you want to just record OSC as fast as possible, and another for when you want to actually render the movie.

Now you just need a way to switch between them. So your new draw() function is:

void draw() {
 if (frameCount < TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_FRAMES) {
 } else {
 if (frameCount > (TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_FRAMES*2)) {

There's a lot more you could do to, for instance, sync the beginning of the "listen mode" w/ the start of whatever OSC performance you're using... but this should get you started.

Let me know if that makes sense!
Re: Csound, OscP5 and MovieMaker
Reply #2 - Sep 9th, 2008, 12:37am
P.S. Don't literally use that code. There is almost certainly a spot somewhere where an array gets accessed out-of-bounds or something. But I think the concept is sound.
Re: Csound, OscP5 and MovieMaker
Reply #3 - Nov 15th, 2008, 11:44pm
Thanks for the nudge Robin - I wasn't sure if I was missing some other way to do it.  I built my own Csound event cache and have a rudimentary experiment up at


Once I finish experimenting and get a solid bit of code in place, I'll post it and likely write it up for the Csound journal.  Anyone who's curious can write me for the bit of code I do have at

ben at listenfaster.com

Thanks again -
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