YaBB Newbies
Posts: 6
Re: Kaleidoscope
Reply #2 - Aug 27th , 2008, 5:25am
//-----Code continued from previous post--------- void rot() { for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { float x = xvertices[i]; // get vertices from object float y = yvertices[i]; float r = sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2)); // Convert to polar: compute radius float theta = atan2 (x, y); // compute angle theta = theta + angle * rots++; // rotate by angle float x1 =r * cos(theta + angle); // compute new points float y1 = r * sin(theta + angle); // put them back in object array xverticesR[i] = x1; yverticesR[i] = y1; } } void trans() { // adjust object position based on its individual movement for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { xverticesR[i] = xvertices[i] + xincr; yverticesR[i] = yvertices[i] + yincr; } } void place() { // draw the repositioned shape on the kw workspace kw.beginDraw(); kw.fill(c,t); // the color c and also the alpha value for opacity, t // kw.stroke(st); kw.noStroke(); // nostroke looks better // kw.stroke(0); kw.beginShape(); // build the shape in the kw buffer for(int i = 0; i<n; i++ ) { kw.vertex(xverticesR[i]+cx, yverticesR[i]+cy); // define all the vertices } kw.endShape(CLOSE); kw.endDraw(); } void changeTrajectory() { xincr = xincr + random(-d/100,d/100); // modify translation speed yincr = yincr + random(-d/100,d/100); } void changeRot(){ angle = angle + random(-PI, PI)/360; // modify shape's rotation speed rots = 0; } } void mirror() { color p; kw.beginDraw(); fi.beginDraw(); for (int y=0; y<(d/2); y++) { // copy wedge-shaped 1/8 of square for (int x=y; x<(d/2); x++) { p = kw.get(x,y); // get one pixel from the workspace fi.set (x,y,p); // put it to the "final" composed workspace fi.set (y,x,p); fi.set (x,d-y-1,p); fi.set (y,d-x-1,p); fi.set (d-x-1,y,p); fi.set (d-x-1,d-y-1,p); fi.set (d-y-1,x,p); fi.set (d-y-1,d-x-1,p); } } fi.endDraw(); kw.endDraw(); } void mousePressed() { // randomize many of the variables, clear screen, create new shapes kw.beginDraw(); // clear the buffer kw.fill(0); kw.rect(0,0,d,d); // erase by drawing canvas-sized black rectangle kw.endDraw(); maxVertices = int(random(4,9)); minVertices = int(random(3,maxVertices)); numShapes = int(random(4,20)); for (int i=1; i<numShapes; i++) { shapes[i] = new Shape(); } } //---------end of code---------