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IndexDiscussionExhibition › Last.fm Spring Graph
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Last.fm Spring Graph (Read 2057 times)
Last.fm Spring Graph
Aug 18th, 2008, 12:08am
I've just finished a sketch that draws an animated spring graph based on musical artist similarity data from Last.fm. The applet just shows my data- what I've been listening to for the last few years. and how it all interrelates. You can download the application, and see how any number of users tastes compare.


I used Processing 0143, the Traer.Physics library, the Jakarta Commons HTTPClient, SwingWorker, and the NetBeans IDE. Full source code is available under a Creative Commons license. The source code might be useful to anyone learning to integrate Processing and Java. Combining the ease of Processing and the robust power of libraries like HTTPClient and SwingWorker and the Java collections like ArrayList let me write this in about two weeks.

The next step might be to learn to do it in 3-D!

Much thanks to all the Processing folks - it's fun fun stuff!

Re: Last.fm Spring Graph
Reply #1 - Aug 23rd, 2008, 7:36am
I downloaded it and gave it a whirl - quite awesome work mate!
Thanks also for mentioning traer physics library - that'll be quite useful for me in future work.

Once again kudos, quite a cool project! =]
Re: Last.fm Spring Graph
Reply #2 - Apr 2nd, 2010, 5:33pm
LastFM changed the way they returned data so my app was busted for a long time. I've just fixed it and updated it to use Processing 1.1.

It's in the same place as before: http://pages.swcp.com/~atomboy/lastfmgraph/ .

If you tried to download the app or even puzzled through the source code without getting it to work, please accept my apologies and give it another go!

I've also nearly finished a version of something similar that graphs music data extracted from news feeds. ( http://atomboy.isa-geek.com/flb/ ) The new one is done in Flex Embarrassed, but I used Processing to prototype most of the ideas. Flex makes interaction with users and servers easier, but you don't get the freedom of expression or all the great libraries that you do with Processing. Lesson learned here.
Re: Last.fm Spring Graph
Reply #3 - Apr 5th, 2010, 3:10am
Did you ever get it working in 3D? I've really wanted to do something like this with the last.fm data, so great to see some examples of it
Re: Last.fm Spring Graph
Reply #4 - Apr 5th, 2010, 3:25am
Re: Last.fm Spring Graph
Reply #5 - Apr 5th, 2010, 3:56pm
No, I never did a 3-D version.

@Chrisir - very nice, sanitary code!

The new thing I'm working on will have a notion of depth. It will behave sort of like things floating on a pond so nodes that don't attract attention or aren't well connected will sink out of sight.
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