pla, these are interesting questions.
Since I am learning to use JBox2D via BoxWrap2D, I tried to answer them, as they are useful.
The first one wasn't too hard, at least if you had a look at BoxWrap2D implementation: it is a rather thin wrapper around JBox2D, trying to hide some complexities like world coordinates. But access to getPosition() is raw, expressed precisely in world coordinates: you have to convert them in screen coordinates.
The second one is harder: MouseJoint is implemented in JBox2D but not yet in BoxWrap2D, so I had to write my own wrapper. Usage isn't obvious, but I found an AS3 implementation and I guessed (I don't know AS3... but it isn't so hard to understand) how to adapt to Processing.
The results of the experiments are as follow: I planned to show that in a tutorial I am writing, but I share it early.
Code:import org.jbox2d.common.*;
import org.jbox2d.collision.*;
import org.jbox2d.dynamics.*;
import org.jbox2d.dynamics.joints.*;
import org.jbox2d.dynamics.contacts.*;
// BoxWrap2D
import org.jbox2d.p5.*;
// A reference to the physics engine
Physics physics;
// Reference to the world as we need it for more advanced stuff...
World m_world;
// Some elements we need
MouseJoint m_mouseJoint;
Body movedBody;
Body circle, ground;
void setup()
// Medium sized scene
size(640, 480);
// Physics is computed 60 times per second, so let's draw at same rate
// Nicer graphisc
PFont f = loadFont("Verdana-12.vlw");
// Set up everything physics
// And add object to the scene
void draw()
// Not much to do here, most drawing is handled by BoxWrap2D
// Show position of latest moved body
Vec2 posW;
if (movedBody == null)
posW = circle.getPosition();
posW = movedBody.getPosition();
Vec2 posS = physics.worldToScreen(posW);
String position = String.format("Pos: %.2f, %.2f", posS.x, posS.y);
text(position, 10, 20);
void mousePressed()
if (m_mouseJoint == null)
movedBody = GetBodyAtMouse();
if (movedBody != null)
m_mouseJoint = createMouseJoint(movedBody, mouseX, mouseY);
void mouseReleased()
if (m_mouseJoint != null)
m_mouseJoint = null;
void mouseDragged()
if (m_mouseJoint != null)
Vec2 v = physics.screenToWorld(mouseX, mouseY);
void keyPressed()
// Can be used to reset the sketch, for example
physics = null;
void InitScene()
// Set up the engine with the sketch's dimensions
physics = new Physics(this, width, height);
m_world = physics.getWorld();
ground = physics.createRect(
20, height - 40,
width - 20, height - 20
void CreateObjects()
// Middle of the world
float hw = width / 2.0;
float hh = height / 2.0;
// A round object in the middle of the scene (center coordinates, radius)
circle = physics.createCircle(hw, hh, 50.0);
// And two rectangles not far (coordinates of top-left, and bottom-right corners)
hw - 150, hh - 50,
hw - 75, hh + 50
hw + 75, hh - 40,
hw + 175, hh + 40
// A polygon, defined by a list of vertices
hw + 150, hh - 100,
hw, hh - 150,
hw - 150, hh - 100
MouseJoint createMouseJoint(Body body, float x, float y)
Vec2 v = physics.screenToWorld(x, y);
MouseJointDef mjd = new MouseJointDef();
mjd.body1 = body; // Not used, avoid a NPE
mjd.body2 = body; = v;
mjd.maxForce = 3000.0 * body.m_mass;
return (MouseJoint) m_world.createJoint(mjd);
// Idea taken from source seen at The Stem > Box2D Joints #2 - Revolute Joints <>
Body GetBodyAtMouse()
// Create a small box at mouse point
Vec2 v = physics.screenToWorld(mouseX, mouseY);
AABB aabb = new AABB(new Vec2(v.x - 0.001, v.y - 0.001), new Vec2(v.x + 0.001, v.y + 0.001));
// Look at the shapes intersecting this box (max.: 10)
org.jbox2d.collision.Shape[] shapes = m_world.query(aabb, 10);
if (shapes == null)
return null; // No body there...
for (int is = 0; is < shapes.length; is++)
org.jbox2d.collision.Shape s = shapes[is];
if (!s.m_body.isStatic()) // Don't pick static shapes
// Ensure it is really at this point
if (s.testPoint(s.m_body.getXForm(), v))
return s.m_body; // Return the first body found
return null;