YaBB Newbies
Posts: 1
problems with .mov
Jun 5th , 2008, 5:33pm
hello, i´m having a problem with the playback of my quicktime movies. when i start my movie, i can´t see the whole clip, only certain frames flashing - like 1 or 2 per second. the playbackrate is allright, it´s just that i can´t see the whole thing. i tried different codecs, like cinepak, soerensen etc, but it doesn´t work at all...any ideas? i´m working on a pc... (it is a program that changes the presets of a midiinterface, depending on the lenght of the movieclip) the code is below: import promidi.*; import*; Movie myMovie; MidiIO midiIO; MidiOut midiOut; int initialP; int secondP; int currentP; float movieDuration; boolean movieRunning; void setup(){ size(640,480); background(0); smooth(); initialP = 0; secondP = 1; //get an instance of MidiIO midiIO = MidiIO.getInstance(this); //print a list with all available devices midiIO.printDevices(); //open an midiout using the third device and the first channel midiOut = midiIO.getMidiOut(15,3); myMovie = new Movie(this, ""); movieDuration = myMovie.duration(); myMovie.stop(); movieRunning = false; } void keyPressed() { if (movieRunning == false){ if (keyCode == 32){ // send programmchange midiOut.sendProgramChange( new ProgramChange(secondP) ); movieRunning = true; myMovie.jump(0);; } } } void draw(){ background(0); if (movieRunning == true){ image(myMovie, 0, 0); if (movieDuration == myMovie.time()){ movieRunning = false; myMovie.stop(); // send programmchange midiOut.sendProgramChange( new ProgramChange(initialP) ); } } else { renderStartFrame(); } } // Called every time a new frame is available to read void movieEvent(Movie m) {; } void renderStartFrame(){ PImage b; b = loadImage("start.jpg"); image(b, 0, 0); }