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Posts: 4
[ESS] Lag with analysis
Apr 2nd , 2008, 10:28pm
I am using the code below to just look at the FFT analysis of the song that is playing except that the analysis doesn't react to the music and its actually about a second late usually on my computer. Can anyone tell me how to sync this up? I got this code originally from the Ess site and edited it a little to be able to get input from a song... Maybe I did it wrong(Most likely). Thanks. // Input FFT // original code by Marius Watz <> // modified by Krister Olsson <> // Showcase for new FFT processing options in Ess v2. // Clicking and dragging changes FFT damping // Created 27 May 2006 import krister.Ess.*; int bufferSize; int steps; float limitDiff; int numAverages=32; float myDamp=.1f; float maxLimit,minLimit; FFT myFFT; AudioFile myInput; AudioStream myStream; void setup () { size(700,221); // start up Ess Ess.start(this); // set up our AudioInput bufferSize=512; myInput=new AudioFile("aw.mp3",0,Ess.READ); myStream = new AudioStream(256*1024); myStream.sampleRate(myInput.sampleRate); // set up our FFT myFFT=new FFT(bufferSize*2); myFFT.equalizer(true); // set up our FFT normalization/dampening minLimit=.005; maxLimit=.05; myFFT.limits(minLimit,maxLimit); myFFT.damp(myDamp); myFFT.averages(numAverages); // get the number of bins per average steps=bufferSize/numAverages; // get the distance of travel between minimum and maximum limits limitDiff=maxLimit-minLimit; frameRate(25); myStream.start(); } void draw() { background(0,0,255); myFFT.getSpectrum(myStream); // draw the waveform stroke(255,100); int interp=(int)max(0,(((millis()-myStream.bufferStartTime)/(float)myStream.duration )*myStream.size)); for (int i=0;i<bufferSize;i++) { float left=160; float right=160; if (i+interp+1<myStream.buffer2.length) { left-=myStream.buffer2[i+interp]*50.0; right-=myStream.buffer2[i+1+interp]*50.0; } line(10+i,left,11+i,right); } noStroke(); fill(255,128); // draw the spectrum for (int i=0; i<bufferSize; i++) { rect(10+i,10,1,myFFT.spectrum[i]*200); } // draw our averages for(int i=0; i<numAverages; i++) { fill(255,128); rect(10+i*steps,10,steps,myFFT.averages[i]*200); fill(255); rect(10+i*steps,(int)(10+myFFT.maxAverages[i]*200),steps,1); rect(10+i*steps,10,1,200); } // complete the frame around our averages rect(10+numAverages*steps,10,1,201); rect(10,10,bufferSize,1); rect(10,210,bufferSize,1); // draw the range of normalization rect(600,10,50,1); rect(600,210,50,1); float percent=max(0,(myFFT.max-minLimit)/limitDiff); fill(255,128); rect(600,(int)(11+198*percent),50,1); rect(600,11,50,(int)(198*percent)); // draw our damper slider fill(255); rect(660,10,30,1); rect(660,210,30,1); fill(255,128); rect(660,(int)(11+198*myDamp),30,1); } void mouseDragged() { mousePressed(); } void mousePressed() { // set our damper myDamp=mouseY/(float)height; if (myDamp>1) myDamp=1; else if(myDamp<0) myDamp=0; myFFT.damp(myDamp); } void audioStreamWrite(AudioStream theStream) { // read the next chunk int; if (samplesRead==0) { // start over myInput.close();; } }