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java-prolog problem (Read 518 times)
java-prolog problem
Feb 26th, 2008, 4:40am
I am using the jpl (java prolog) library that is included with SWI-Prolog. It only works partially, and I wonder what could be wrong. Here is the code (basically, the standard code from the SWI web site). In this code, test.pl is a prolog source file with a small database.

<code begins>

import jpl.fli.*;
import jpl.*;
import java.util.Hashtable; //I guess this is superfluous...

Atom x = new Atom("test.pl" );

Term arg[] = { x } ;

Query q1 = new Query( "consult", arg );
println( "consult " + (q1.query() ));

Query q2 =
   new Query(
       new Term[] {new Atom("joe"),new Atom("ralf")}

   "child_of(joe,ralf) is " +
   ( q2.query() ? "provable" : "not provable" )

//the code works well up to this point.

Variable X = new Variable();

Query q4 =
   new Query(
       new Term[] {new Atom("joe"), X}

Hashtable solution;
solution = q4.oneSolution();

println( "X = " + solution.get(X));

<code ends>

Here is the response from the command prompt:

consult( 'test.pl' )
% test.pl compiled 0.00 sec, 1,088 bytes
consult true
child_of(joe,ralf) is provable
X = null

The last statement is buffling. Why should X be null?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!

Re: java-prolog problem
Reply #1 - Feb 26th, 2008, 5:07am
And here is my response to my own question. I have been struggling with this for days, and right after I decide to post, the solution strikes me.... It is really, really, really simple. Many apologies for wasting everybody's time, but here is the correct code. I have added comments to indicate the changes that made all the difference.... This might help people out, in case they want to try to do what I have done, since the online SWI-Prolog doc is wrong (!!!!).

<code begins>
import jpl.fli.*;
import jpl.*;

Atom x = new Atom("test.pl" );

Term arg[] = { x } ;

Query q1 = new Query( "consult", arg );
println( "consult " + (q1.query() ));

Query q2 =
   new Query(
       new Term[] {new Atom("joe"),new Atom("ralf")}
   "child_of(joe,ralf) is " +
   ( q2.query() ? "provable" : "not provable" )

//The problem is the next statement. The code in the SWI web site is:
// ....new Variable(X).
//This is wrong: use double quotes instead!

Variable X = new Variable("X");

Query q4 =
   new Query(
       new Term[] {new Atom("joe"), X}


Hashtable solution;
solution = q4.oneSolution();

//again: use solution.get("X") --include the double quotes!
println( "X = " + solution.get("X"));

java.util.Hashtable[] solutions = q4.allSolutions();
for ( int i=0 ; i<solutions.length ; i++ ) {
//again, use get("X")...
   println( "X = " + solutions[i].get("X"));

<code ends>

If anybody wants to know all of the steps needed to make jpl into a library for prolog, I am happy to post them (as far as I can remember what I  have done...)

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