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IndexDiscussionExhibition › Dots
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Dots (Read 3843 times)
Feb 17th, 2008, 3:47pm

This is my first Processing experiment.

I have the habit of building and connecting dots in my mind, and always felt frustrated about the fact that I couldn't keep too many points in my head, nor could I move them with exact geometric precision. Well, now I don't have to imagine anymore!

The application is quite simple, and quite slow. Besides that, I hope you enjoy it.


View the applet

View the source

View the dog failing

Suggestions will be appreciated.

Re: Dots
Reply #1 - Feb 22nd, 2008, 5:14pm
Hey, u have some problems with your webpage, it´s seems like it can´t start the application.
Re: Dots
Reply #2 - Feb 22nd, 2008, 7:47pm
Very cool!  Make the dots/lines run through hsb colorspace, and see if you can add or subtract dots as it is running (without restarting the whole thing).  Or maybe instead of casting lines you could cast transparent squares?
Re: Dots
Reply #3 - Feb 23rd, 2008, 3:48am
Perhaps the MyJavaServer was down when you tried the link. Thanks for visiting anyway.

There are excellent suggestions, very creative. I'll try them out, thanks!
Re: Dots
Reply #4 - Feb 26th, 2008, 4:29am
 I believe we are kindred spirits. I love patterns that are displayed at regular intervals, the growth/destruction relationship.
I think you might like this: http://squirrel.rp83.com. Give it a few minutes to do its thing. Also, hit the "x" key to turn the lines on.

  The amazing thing about all this is that many of the patterns and webs in your app show up in this spiral. Again at regular intervals.

I think it might be neat if you expanded the maximum radius of the inner dots, so they can be even bigger than the rotating dots.

Very nice app.

-- squirrel
Re: Dots
Reply #5 - Feb 27th, 2008, 5:47pm
Thanks for the kind and useful feedback. As for your suggestion, you can "kind of" do that in the application, by pressing "T" and moving your mouse near the screen edges.

Your application is really impressive, I like it a lot. I'll explore more of the many - and interesting - options later.
Re: Dots
Reply #6 - Mar 8th, 2008, 10:11am
Very nice.
Visually reminds me of the mathematical "E8 root system" about which I read recently.
The Lie group E8 has a "root system" that consists of 240 points in 8-dimensional space.
These 240 points are tightly packed together in a highly symmetric way.
In fact, this configuration has a total of 696,729,600 symmetries.
Compare this with the 8 points of a 3D cube. These have "only" 48 symmetries.
Curious? See a 2D projection here:
Read more here:
Re: Dots
Reply #7 - Mar 13th, 2008, 2:45am
Wow. It is one quite nice "first program".

Indeed it is.

I haven't looked at your code because I have work to do, but when I do, I'll try to find the bottlenecks that make the program run slow. I know it's most probably the speed of Processing (or Java) that's hindering the performace, however, there might be some pitfalls.

Again, awesome work. Like a previous poster said, you should consider adding shifting colors. Maybe depending on the rotation angle of the outer points or something.

Keep it up!
Re: Dots
Reply #8 - Mar 15th, 2008, 8:44am
The Dots applet has never run for me, but I am able to run other Processing applets. I get the little red x.

Java 1.4
Processing 0135
Win XP

Re: Dots
Reply #9 - Mar 15th, 2008, 12:37pm
The Dots applet doesn't run for me either, but the source code runs fine in my Processing Development Environment (PDE).

Re: Dots
Reply #10 - Mar 15th, 2008, 7:24pm
oh... it does not work for me either. I get the little red X....
Re: Dots
Reply #11 - Mar 16th, 2008, 3:28am
The applet does not load for me also.
And the source you linked is the "java" source, not the processing source. You should post the .pde file if you want to share processing code.

I'm interested in having a look at this.
Re: Dots
Reply #12 - Mar 26th, 2008, 3:52pm

Inspired by yours:


Bouncing connected dots!
Re: Dots
Reply #13 - Mar 26th, 2008, 4:23pm
Wow,first time I see a bounce like that!
Re: Dots
Reply #14 - Mar 26th, 2008, 7:09pm
Yeah it's pretty cool, but simple as well. All the dots just move at the same speed, so the larger circle pattern stays intact after each bounce.
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