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Exploding Text (Read 1456 times)
Exploding Text
Jan 21st, 2008, 1:39pm

I'm trying to make an exploding text. Right now i attach a single letter to a growing ellipse, in the moment the ellipse is "touching" the letter. The effect looks nice, but it looks not very natural. My code:

 for(int i=0; i < headline_new.length(); i++) {

   myPosX[i] = count*cos(TWO_PI/headline_new.length()*i); // Kreis erstellen
   myPosY[i] = count*sin(TWO_PI/headline_new.length()*i);


   if(dist(width/2, height/2, width/2-(headline_new.length()/2)*10+i*10, height/2) == count) { // Wenn der Buchstabe auf dem Kreis liegt...
   letters_status[i] = true;
   if (letters_status[i] == true) { // Text an den Kreis heften
   translate(myPosX[i]+width/2, myPosY[i]+height/2);
   fill(#b8bddd, random(30,100));
   text(letters_new[i], random(0,2), random(0,2));
   else { // Text stehen lassen
   translate(width/2-(headline_new.length()/2)*10+i*10, height/2);
   fill(#b8bddd, random(30,100));
   text(letters_new[i], random(0,2), random(0,2));
 count = count + 0.25f; // Counter hochzählen
 if (count >= 600) {
   count = 1;

Anyone got a better solution for this problem?

Re: Exploding Text
Reply #1 - Jan 21st, 2008, 2:46pm
can you post your full code, or give a link to the sketch online?
Re: Exploding Text
Reply #2 - Jan 21st, 2008, 3:20pm
The sketch seems not to run online, so here's the full code:

String headline_new = "Es gibt etwas zu Essen!";
String letters_new[] = new String[500]; // Array fŸr die Buchstabenkette

PFont fontRegular;
float count = 1; //Counter anlegen

boolean letters_status[] = new boolean[500];

float [] myPosX = new float[500]; //Array fŸr die Position der Buchstaben
float [] myPosY = new float[500];

void setup() {  

   size(600, 400);  // Grš§e festlegen, Vollbild

   fontRegular = createFont("Monaco", 16); // RegulŠre Schrift Festlegen, Monospace
   headline_new = headline_new.toUpperCase();
   for(int i=0; i < headline_new.length(); i++) {
   letters_new[i] = headline_new.substring(i,i+1);

void draw() {

 for(int i=0; i < headline_new.length(); i++) {

   myPosX[i] = count*cos(TWO_PI/headline_new.length()*i); // Kreis erstellen
   myPosY[i] = count*sin(TWO_PI/headline_new.length()*i);


   if(dist(400, 200, 400-(headline_new.length()/2)*10+i*10, 200) == count) { // Wenn der Buchstabe auf dem Kreis liegt...
   letters_status[i] = true;
   if (letters_status[i] == true) { // Text an den Kreis heften
   translate(myPosX[i]+400, myPosY[i]+200);
   fill(#b8bddd, random(30,100));
   text(letters_new[i], random(0,2), random(0,2));
   else { // Text stehen lassen
   translate(400-(headline_new.length()/2)*10+i*10, 200);
   fill(#b8bddd, random(30,100));
   text(letters_new[i], random(0,2), random(0,2));
 count = count + 0.25f; // Counter hochzŠhlen
 if (count >= 600) {
   count = 1;
Re: Exploding Text
Reply #3 - Jan 21st, 2008, 3:22pm

Here's the link. Needed to refresh my browser..

Re: Exploding Text
Reply #4 - Jan 22nd, 2008, 10:03pm
You might want to use particles. Physics http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~traer/physics/ is quite a cool library. I used it to make words contract and expand.

I posted an example at http://vimeo.com/627948. I guess it's very well possible to have movement that's more like an explosion.
Re: Exploding Text
Reply #5 - Jan 22nd, 2008, 10:45pm
I'll give this libary a try!

Unfortunately i'm not permitted to view your video. Seems to be private...

Re: Exploding Text
Reply #6 - Jan 23rd, 2008, 7:49am
The video should be public now.

Just a few words, in case you might wonder. There are a number of fixed particles at the positions where the letters come together in the center. All the other particles are non-fixed and each has an attraction to one of the fixed ones. Depending on the mode, they move towards the center (contract) or away (expand). The letters are then rendered at the positions of the (non-fixed) particles.

Re: Exploding Text
Reply #7 - Jan 24th, 2008, 12:56pm
Yeah, the Traer physics library and particles is the way to go. I've also been playing with this to explode simple dots, but the dots are just being drawn where the invisible/mathematic/theoretical particles are. What I mean by that is that the Traer engine sets up the dynamics, it's up to you to draw what you like in the locations it spits out.

See here for an example: http://www.polaine.com/playpen/2007/12/26/20000-processing-particles/

Link to the code is here: http://www.polaine.com/playpen/wp-content/processing/_2000_particles/applet/
Re: Exploding Text
Reply #8 - Jan 24th, 2008, 2:50pm
thanks for your replies. i played around with traer.physics a bit, and i seem got get the results i wanted. yeah!

greets from berlin
Re: Exploding Text
Reply #9 - Jan 24th, 2008, 4:42pm
Good stuff. Don't forget to post a link to it to show what you've done (if you're okay with that)!
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