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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Rotating a sprite according to the angle on a bezi
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Rotating a sprite according to the angle on a bezi (Read 1519 times)
Rotating a sprite according to the angle on a bezi
Jan 11th, 2008, 11:52am
Bah, topic was too long!

"Rotating a sprite according to the angle on a bezier curve".

I'm trying to rotate a sprite, at the moment a simple box, according to the tangent angle on a bezier curve. So far I've been able to spawn random seeds of the curves, animating simple objects along the path and displaying the direction using a tangent method written by davbol on these forums.

What I can't seem to get working is the angle in which the sprite is supposed to be, well... I can get the right angle but then I can't get the right coordinates. That is using push/popMatrix, if I don't use them the whole thing rotates.

Any ideas?


* Image moving along a bezier curve, according to processing reference found at processing.org, with
* a directional angle using tangent method written by dave (davbol) @ processing.org forums.
* ***** Written by the Coralinti group, Andreas *****
class movingImage{
//variable declaration
float x1,x2,cx1,cx2;
float y1,y2,cy1,cy2;
float speed;
float a;
float ix, x, y;
boolean firsttime;

//Defined pattern when created.
movingImage(float x1, float y1, float cx1, float cy1, float cx2, float cy2, float x2, float y2, float speed){
this.x1 = x1;
this.y1 = y1;
this.cx1 = cx1;
this.cy1 = cy1;
this.cx2 = cx2;
this.cy2 = cy2;
this.x2 = x2;
this.y2 = y2;
this.speed = speed;

ix = 0;
firsttime = true;
//Random pattern when created according to width and height of the used screen size.
movingImage(float width, float height){
this.x1 = random((-width/2),(0.0));
this.y1 = random((0.0),(height));
this.cx1 = random((0.0),(width/2));
this.cy1 = random((0.0),(height));
this.cx2 = random((width/2),(width));
this.cy2 = random((0.0),(height));
this.x2 = random((width),(width*1.5));
this.y2 = random((0.0),(height));

speed = random(0.5,1.5);
ix = 0;
firsttime = true;

//paint sprites on screen
void paintCurve(){
//bezier curve which the image will move along.
bezier(x1, y1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2);
//control lines, showing the direction of the curve.


//return angles
void updateSprite(){
float t = ix / float(width);
// Get the location of the point.
x = bezierPoint(x1, cx1, cx2, x2, t);
y = bezierPoint(y1, cy1, cy2, y2, t);
// Get the tangent points.
float tx = beztan(x1, cx1, cx2, x2, t);
float ty = beztan(y1, cy1, cy2, y2, t);
// Calculate an angle from the tangent points.
a = atan2(ty, tx);
// Draw the tangent and direction.
stroke(255, 102, 0);
line(x, y, cos(a)*40 + x, sin(a)*40 + y);
// Draw sprite, to be replaced by an image
ellipse(x, y, 5, 5);



ix = ix+speed;

//Boundary check, repaint if reached the end of the curve.
if(ix >= width){
//Re-seed the curve by giving the controlpoints new random values.
this.cx1 = random((0.0),(width/2));
this.cy1 = random((0.0),(height));
this.cx2 = random((width/2),(width));
this.cy2 = random((0.0),(height));

//return coordinates and angle
String getAngle(){return ""+degrees(a);}
String getX(){return ""+x;}
String getY(){return ""+y;}

* Beizertangent method, found @ processing.org forums, written by davbol.
* http://processing.org/discourse/yabb_beta/YaBB.cgi?board=Programs;action=display;num=1176823261;start=1#1
float beztan(float a, float b, float c, float d, float t) {
return 3*t*t * (-a+3*b-3*c+d) +
6*t * (a-2*b+c) +
3 * (-a+b);
Re: Rotating a sprite according to the angle on a
Reply #1 - Jan 11th, 2008, 11:55am
Here's the main method, to make things easier for you =)


import processing.opengl.*;

PFont font;
movingImage movi;

//Create array of movingImage objects.
int nbrOfSprites = 1;
movingImage[] spritesArray = new movingImage[nbrOfSprites];

void setup(){
font = createFont("Courier", 12);
//fill the spriteArray with movingImage objects
for(int i=0;i<nbrOfSprites;i++){
spritesArray[i] = new movingImage();

void draw(){

//update the spriteArray
for(int i=0;i<nbrOfSprites;i++){

//print coordinates of the spriteArray, convert values to int!!!
for(int i=0;i<nbrOfSprites;i++){
" y:"+int(spritesArray[i].getY())+
" angle:"+int(spritesArray[i].getAngle()),10,10+10*i);

Re: Rotating a sprite according to the angle on a
Reply #2 - Jan 12th, 2008, 8:17am
you must draw your sprite in the following order : translation, then rotation

translate(x, y);
rect(0, 0, 30, 10);
Re: Rotating a sprite according to the angle on a
Reply #3 - Jan 12th, 2008, 11:45am
antiplastik wrote on Jan 12th, 2008, 8:17am:
you must draw your sprite in the following order : translation, then rotation

translate(x, y);
rect(0, 0, 30, 10);

Right, thanks. I woke up today thinking I had to somehow reset the matrix so 0,0 would be at the point in which I wanted to rotate the object (the matrix), your solution sounds alot easier. Thanks.
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