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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › Promidi and Minim can't work in one sketch
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Promidi and Minim can't work in one sketch? (Read 645 times)
Promidi and Minim can't work in one sketch?
Dec 8th, 2007, 6:07pm
I'm am using proMidi to receive some midi values and Minim to play some wave files depending on the values returned from proMidi.

My problem is that I can't use both libraries in the same Processing sketch because both of them have a method called Controller.

I get this error when I try to run the script:

/tmp/build62174.tmp/Temporary_8586_8850.java:106:26:106:35: Semantic Error: Type "Controller" is imported on demand from package "promidi" and package "ddf.minim".

Anything I can do about it?
Re: Promidi and Minim can't work in one sketch?
Reply #1 - Dec 8th, 2007, 7:00pm
you can specify the full path:

promidi.Controller myController;
ddf.minim.Controller myOtherController;

Re: Promidi and Minim can't work in one sketch?
Reply #2 - Dec 8th, 2007, 7:07pm
I had just figured it out.
I was about to delete this post when I saw you answered! Thanks fjen! Smiley

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