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proMIDI & "midi drawing" (Read 440 times)
proMIDI & "midi drawing"
Nov 30th, 2007, 11:12am

I'm using proMIDI lib.
works fine now.

I would like to use 2 controller values for drawing a shape.
I mean I'd like to use a value for x, another value for y.

I tested with the example code only modified for the draw function:
import promidi.*;

MidiIO midiIO;

void setup(){
 //get an instance of MidiIO
 midiIO = MidiIO.getInstance(this);
 println("printPorts of midiIO");
 //print a list of all available devices
 //open the first midi channel of the first device

void draw(){

void noteOn(Note note, int device, int channel){
 int vel = note.getVelocity();
 int pit = note.getPitch();

void noteOff(Note note, int device, int channel){
 int pit = note.getPitch();

void controllerIn(Controller controller, int device, int channel){
 int num = controller.getNumber();
 int val = controller.getValue();

void programChange(ProgramChange programChange, int device, int channel){
 int num = programChange.getNumber();

How could I do it?
I may not use the controllerIn function as I should do.
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