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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › maxlink and processing
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maxlink and processing (Read 683 times)
maxlink and processing
Nov 30th, 2007, 10:46am

I would like to connect a bunch of sound parameters from max msp to processing. I use the max link object. Unfortunately - as soon as I send realtime data into i.e. 12 outlets, the cpu goes drastically up - 70%.

How can I send i.e. 100 sound parameters from max msp to processing, without bugging the cpu?

Re: maxlink and processing
Reply #1 - Nov 30th, 2007, 11:26am
you might take a look into OSC which is just made for what you are looking for, exchanging parameters, oscP5 will help you on the processing side, for max you can take a look at the opensoundcontrol website.
Re: maxlink and processing
Reply #2 - Dec 1st, 2007, 3:29am
Hi annemarie,
sojamo is right, OSC might be a good alternative.

I also had the problem you have but what I did was a "prepend set" in Max of all the values I had into a box. It's important that you also prepend a specific delimiter (ie "&").

You then send that string to Processing and you parse it using the split() function which will convert your string into an array. You can then access that array.

I was sending the data from max to Processing every 100ms and had no problems at all.

Hope it helps!
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