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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpIntegration › awt.Robot class and mouseX, mouseY delay
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awt.Robot class and mouseX, mouseY delay (Read 966 times)
awt.Robot class and mouseX, mouseY delay
Nov 27th, 2007, 11:02am

I'm doing a project where I wish to keep the mouse pointer within the applet window. For this i'm using the awt.Robot class, but whenever I do robot.mouseMove() the mouseX and mouseY doesn't update for around 300 ms eventhough the user keeps moving the mouse. After this delay the mouseX updates normally.

I've made a test example illustrating the problem.. see below..

I know from the faq (http://processing.org/faq.html#java) that there are problems with the awt, but since many posts on this forum refer to the robot class I figured there must be some way to make it work.

I hope someone can help me with this.

I'm using 0135.



import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;

int pmousex = 0, mouseMovement = 0;
boolean centering = false;

PFont font;

void setup()
font = loadFont( "AbadiMT-CondensedExtraBold-48.vlw" );

void draw()
background( 205 );
rect( 0,0, 50,height );
rect( width-50,0, width,height );

textFont( font );
text( mouseMovement, width*0.5, height*0.5 );

println( "reading mousemovement : millis = " + millis() + ", mouseX = " + mouseX );
mouseMovement = 0;

void mouseMoved()
if( centering ) // don't to add the robot mouse movement to 'mouseMovement'
centering = false;
}else{ // add normal mouse movement to 'mouseMovement'
mouseMovement += mouseX - pmousex;
if( mouseX < 50 || mouseX > width-50 ) // if cursor is at left or right side of the window, move it to center
centering = true;
println("centering : millis = " + millis() + ", mouseX = " + mouseX);
pmousex = mouseX;


void moveCursor()
try {
// Move the cursor
Robot robot = new Robot();
Point p = new Point( int( width*0.5 ), int( height*0.5 ) );
SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen( p, this );
robot.mouseMove( p.x, p.y ); // if you remove this line, the will be no delay
catch (AWTException e) {
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