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framingham with movies (Read 366 times)
framingham with movies
Nov 26th, 2007, 1:18pm
hi there,

new to video with processing.

Trying to start something by having the example Framingham reading a .mov rather than capturing a video.
What I get now is just the black background, if I add image(myMovie, myMovie.width, myMovie.height) I get the .mov to load in the screen, but no framing occurs.

Rather than a working code I would like to understand why myMovie.read is not enough to launch the video (while video.read is)

[apologies for the banality of the question]

here's the code:

import processing.video.*;

Movie myMovie;
int column;
int columnCount;
int lastRow;

// Buffer used to move all the pixels up
int[] scoot;

void setup() {
 size(240, 180, P3D);

 // Uses the default video input, see the reference if this causes an error
  myMovie = new Movie(this, "station.mov");
 // Also try with other video sizes
 column = 0;
 columnCount = width / myMovie.width;
 int rowCount = height / myMovie.height;
 lastRow = rowCount - 1;
 scoot = new int[lastRow*myMovie.height * width];

void draw() {
 // By using video.available, only the frame rate need be set inside setup()
    if (myMovie.available())
   set(myMovie.width*column, myMovie.height*lastRow, myMovie);
   if (column == columnCount) {
     // Scoot everybody up one row
     arraycopy(pixels, myMovie.height*width, scoot, 0, scoot.length);
     arraycopy(scoot, 0, pixels, 0, scoot.length);

     // Set the moved row to black
     for (int i = scoot.length; i < width*height; i++) {
       pixels[i] = #000000;
     column = 0;

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