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fill colors changing (Read 1204 times)
fill colors changing
Oct 16th, 2007, 5:54am
I'm trying to create a game board with colored piece objects,  but the colors on the objects keep changing? How can I fix it? Thanks for any help.

//*************** GAME PIECE CLASS ***************//

class gamePiece{

 color c;
 int tlxPos, tlyPos, brxPos, bryPos;

 gamePiece(color iC, int itlxPos, int itlyPos, int ibrxPos, int ibryPos){
   c = iC;
   tlxPos = itlxPos;        //top left x pos
   tlyPos = itlyPos;        //top left y pos
   brxPos = ibrxPos;        //bottom right x pos
   bryPos = ibryPos;        //bottom right y pos

   rect(tlxPos, tlyPos, brxPos, bryPos);

 public color getColor(){

   return c;

 public int getTLXPos(){
   return tlxPos;

 public int getTLYPos(){
   return tlyPos;

 public int getBRXPos(){
   return brxPos;

 public int getBRYPos(){
   return bryPos;

 public boolean compareColors(gamePiece a, gamePiece b){

   if(a.getColor() == b.getColor()){
     return true;
     return false;

//*************** GAME BOARD CLASS ***************//

class gameBoard{

 int boardSize;

 public gameBoard(int i){
   boardSize = i;

 public int getBoardSize(){
   return boardSize;

 public void createRandomPieces(int arraySize){

   int numPieces = arraySize * arraySize;

   int columns[] = new int[arraySize];
   int rows[] = new int[arraySize];

   int tlxLocation = 0;
   int brxLocation = 20;

   int tlyLocation = 0;
   int bryLocation = 20;

   gamePiece[] pieces = new gamePiece[numPieces];

   for(int columnNumber = 0; columnNumber < columns.length; columnNumber++){
     for(int rowNumber = 0; rowNumber < rows.length; rowNumber++){

       pieces[rowNumber] = new gamePiece(palette[int(random(colorRange))], tlxLocation, tlyLocation, brxLocation, bryLocation);

       tlyLocation += 20;
       bryLocation += 20;

     tlyLocation = 0;
     bryLocation = 20;

     tlxLocation += 20;
     brxLocation += 20;      

//*************** GLOBAL VARIABLES****************//
color[] palette = new color[5];
int gameBoardSize = 10;
int colorRange = 5;
gameBoard test = new gameBoard(gameBoardSize);

//*************** SETUP FUNCTION ***************//

void setup(){

 size(test.getBoardSize() * 20, test.getBoardSize() * 20);


//*************** DRAW FUNCTION ***************//

void draw(){

 palette[0] = color(255,0,0);       //RED
 palette[1] = color(0, 255, 0);     //GREEN
 palette[2] = color(0, 0, 255);     //BLUE
 palette[3] = color(0, 0, 0);       //BLACK
 palette[4] = color(255, 165, 0);   //ORANGE

Re: fill colors changing
Reply #1 - Oct 16th, 2007, 8:36am
obviously just stop calling createRandomPieces() ...

what are you trying to do?

Re: fill colors changing
Reply #2 - Oct 16th, 2007, 1:03pm
g8rjosh, the appropriate response to my asking you not to double post is not to delete that message and post a third.
Re: fill colors changing
Reply #3 - Oct 16th, 2007, 4:41pm
fjen wrote on Oct 16th, 2007, 8:36am:
obviously just stop calling createRandomPieces() ...

what are you trying to do


But I don't understand logically how to modify this to get me what I want. That is, how do I get my program to fill in the squares with their colors and then stop once it fills the last square
Re: fill colors changing
Reply #4 - Oct 16th, 2007, 7:21pm
What fjen means is that you keep calling random() in draw() with: pieces[rowNumber] = new gamePiece(palette[int(random(colorRange))],... wich generates a new random set of colors every frame. so call it only on the frame you need a new set of random colors.

Re: fill colors changing
Reply #5 - Oct 16th, 2007, 7:41pm
right, for example create the boxes in setup() and just draw them in draw() ..

Re: fill colors changing
Reply #6 - Oct 16th, 2007, 9:59pm
fjen wrote on Oct 16th, 2007, 7:41pm:
right, for example create the boxes in setup() and just draw them in draw() ..


Alright, I think I understand a little better. But I am still confused on how to actually implement this. Can someone show me an example of something similar I'm sorry, I am still very new to programming and something so simple to someone might require some little trick that I don't really know about or something.

I understand that I should set up the boxes in the setup(), but I dont know what goes into "just drawing them in draw(). Sorry, and thanks again guys. You have been a very good help for me so far.
Re: fill colors changing
Reply #7 - Oct 16th, 2007, 10:23pm
ok. no tricks, no magic involved ..

put the:

rect(tlxPos, tlyPos, brxPos, bryPos);

into a function (drawPiece() ?) inside gamePiece.class

add a function to gameBoard (drawAllPieces ?) similar to createRandomPi ... but with a change in that line:
pieces[rowNumber] = new gamePiece ...
( yes from above )

now do your createRandom.. inside setup() and inside draw() you call your newly created drawAllPieces()

Re: fill colors changing
Reply #8 - Oct 17th, 2007, 11:25am
exactly. follow fjen's steps and you're done.

just to help you understand a little more :
- the setup() method executes once, at start.
- the draw() method executes every frame : i.e. every second, since you defined frameRate(1).

you should just *create* your gamePieces in setup() and *draw* them in draw(). this way, you will set a color for each piece only once, at setup(), and the draw() method will always draw the same thing (unless you start moving the pieces).
Re: fill colors changing
Reply #9 - Oct 17th, 2007, 7:57pm
Thank you very much. I understand, and I have figured it out, except using a 2 dimensional array to populate the game board. Thank you very much for your help.
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