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PredatorPrey Simulation (Read 8780 times)
PredatorPrey Simulation
Oct 5th, 2007, 4:16pm
Hello all.
I wanted to post something that I´ve been working for quite a while. It´s a predator prey simulation, with OpenGL graphics, genetics, and loads of options.

Watch the animals run around, paint a forest, burn grass, whatever. Just play around. I would just love some feedback

Press M to see the menu. All the controls and options are there.
Sounds, and gamepad controllable lion are disabled in this version due to applet problems/size.

When it opens just choose the simulation mode to start with (option 1)

You will need a decent OpenGL enabled video card to run this properly.


UPDATE: 8/10/07
+ new menu
+ fire (affected by wind, and water)
+ grass (affected by wind, animals and fire)
+ wind
+ rain (affected by wind)
+ new modes (draw and network mode)
+ auto weather mode

UPDATE: 21/11/07:
+ new animated toolbar graphics
+ new water painting tool
+ new water generation
+ ground generation
+ grass paint
+ water paint
+ brush controls
+ added menu options
+ flowing refractive water (not enabled)
- changed title page
- removed openGL blur for incompatability with some cards (old style motion blur is still there)
- reflected clouds in water(not enabled as of yet)
- grass look
- optimised
 - particles
 - water check
 - grass
- blood drawing
- improved grass interaction
- improved zebra water search
- animated icons
- fire slowly scorches earth

UPDATE: 30/11/07
- changed look of GUI slightly (darker, more compact)
+ added new trees
+ seperate thread for loading - smoother loading screen
- edited loading screen and added more information to read while waiting
+ medium graphics option for something in between
+ simple animations for animals! (don't expect too much) Smiley
+ new zebra graphic
- updated ground creation for better looking texture
+ added new grass painting that renders for free as it's baked in to the ground. Interactive blades are still there for advanced graphics
- extend animal info
- various tweaks and fixes

UPDATE: 28/01/08
+ trees burn
+ trees spread fire
+ added extremeGraphics mode which includes water refraction
+ added graphics slider and graphic cutoffs
+ interactive spring system for trees instead of fixed animation.
+ added falling leaves from trees
+ added new advanced particles with shadows,reflections,glints, gravity and wind
+ updgraded fire. looks better
+ zebra stripes
- better grass texture
- grass blades flattened in extreme graphics
- grass blades being thrown
- consolidated both grass modes
- leaves fly off when windspeed is big
- animals kick up grass
- dust is affected by wind
- changed how birds are drawn (optimised and reflections and shadows)
- changed fire hand
- tweaked tree look
- water ripple better in extreme graphics
- graphic tweaks
- a few bug fixes


Here are some pics
Re: PredatorPrey Simulation
Reply #1 - Oct 5th, 2007, 8:09pm
Nice thingy you put together!

The graphics are really stunning and I like the way all the elements interact with each other (e.g. the cursor leaving ripples on the water and shaking the trees). I'm also a big fan of all kind of flocking/behaviour simulation and stuff and your's is nicely done.

A bit of nitpicking:

- if there's a central point to that thing beside just watching and spawing zebras/lions/trees then I missed it.

- the UI is pretty hard to understand and to use: I'd try to tidy up that menu by splitting it into sections (graphics options, simulations options, etc.). Also it would be easier if more options would be available graphically (e.g. by checkboxes).

But as I said before: very nice work! Is this a result of just playing around or are you aiming for something specific?
Re: PredatorPrey Simulation
Reply #2 - Oct 5th, 2007, 9:41pm
It's really pretty cool.

Some comments.  Using the mouse wheel to zoom in doesn't work on my version of OS X (10.4.something).

The comments above about the user interface are correct.  Somehow I pushed something and everything went really fast but I couldn't see how to slow it down again.

In all, very nice work.
Re: PredatorPrey Simulation
Reply #3 - Oct 5th, 2007, 11:24pm
The attention to detail in the graphics is incredible -- from the "hand dust" to the dozens of other particle effects.

It's fun as a "construction toy", sort of a "Sim Savannah" game, but might need a bit of a goal stated.

Figured out fire (left-click with zebra tool) but it seems to have little point in the simulation.  Zebras don't avoid it, run through it unhurt, trees don't burn, water doesn't put it out, you can light a fire on water, etc.  Cool visual though.

It's fun playing with various stands of trees, trapping lions inside or outside, or zebras in/out, or along water edges.  Especically with vectors turned on so you can "see" what the critters are "thinking".  Smiley
Re: PredatorPrey Simulation
Reply #4 - Oct 6th, 2007, 10:04pm
Thanks for the feedback.

Yeah I know the UI wasn´t too good.
I´ve updated it now with a preliminary new menu and enabled rain, wind, and now properly fire (with the animals running away from it)

Sounds, map saving and loading, and the gamepad are still disabled. Normally with the gamepad you can control one lion and run around and catch the zebras by pouncing on them. I can´t get the gamepad to work with web applets though. The sound just makes the sketch too big to download.
Those of you who have an Nvidia card or new ATI card will also now have motion blur enabled.

As for the point of all this, well it was just supposed to be a demostration of flocking behaviours but just kept growing. It´s now just a playground of sorts. A big pointful addition was the Genetic mode which enables the animals to evolve to sustain their respective populations in the given environment including user created ones.

There was a comment made by spence that he pressed something, and it all went fast. This means he pressed ´2´which lowered the graphics and ran the simulation as fast as it could go. Just press ´1´ to go back to normal. Pressing ´3´starts a  cool mode where you can see all the connections between social groups really well.

Any more feedback would be great. I just want to iron out all the bugs and problems, so if someone finds any tell me.



PS If someone knows of any job opportunities, I´m looking for some work. At the moment I´m in Germany for a few months.

Here is some other recent work using processing
Re: PredatorPrey Simulation
Reply #5 - Oct 6th, 2007, 10:51pm
Impressive Simulation!

Had me playing for a good half hour, and my friends joined in too.. "How 'bout adding more zebras.. and only a couple of lions.." .. "No.. way more lions.. make it a bloodbath" .. etc. Tongue

Keep up the good work..

Yonas / seltar
Re: PredatorPrey Simulation
Reply #6 - Oct 7th, 2007, 9:46pm
Ok, I´ve updated the menu system again. It should be good now. Let me know if there are any other problems

Seltar, my name is also Yonas!
Re: PredatorPrey Simulation
Reply #7 - Oct 8th, 2007, 8:11pm
Very good keep up the good work. This is the ultimate proof that Processing can do graphically good.
Re: PredatorPrey Simulation
Reply #8 - Oct 9th, 2007, 12:13am
Cool name we have, huh? Wink
OK, I have a couple of problems using this software.
The middle click does nothing for me.
But I'm thinking.. People have complained to me before, on using left or center clicks, because most mac people only have one mouse button.
I switched to using CONTROL and SHIFT + mouseclick to satisfy the same needs as RIGHT, and CENTER..

Other than that, still a great sim Wink

Re: PredatorPrey Simulation
Reply #9 - Oct 9th, 2007, 9:10pm
Ok, I´ve updated the weather System and the UI, and added some more modes to play with as well as giving access to some of the AI influences
Re: PredatorPrey Simulation
Reply #10 - Oct 12th, 2007, 9:49am
Hello again. Now I´ve added grass that blows in the wind, gets pushed to the side by your hand and the animals, and burns!
Re: PredatorPrey Simulation
Reply #11 - Nov 17th, 2007, 10:23pm
wow this is totally awesome!
Re: PredatorPrey Simulation
Reply #12 - Nov 21st, 2007, 11:23pm
Hey all

After a bit of a break, I've updated the program again.
The big changes is the now completely procedurally generated landscape, easier landscape editing, and toolbar

+ new animated toolbar graphics
+ new water painting tool
+ new water generation
+ ground generation
+ water paint
+ grass paint
+ brush controls
+ added menu options

- changed intro page
- removed openGL blur for incompatability with some cards (old style motion blur is still there)
- reflected clouds in water(not enabled as of yet)
- grass look
- optimised
 - particles
 - water check
 - grass
- blood drawing
- improved grass interaction
- improved zebra water search
- animated icons
- fire slowly scorches earth (still doesn't burn trees though)

plus lots of small tweaks and bug fixes here and there

There is also a graphics option for flowing refractive water, but it's not in the version as it can't be rendered in real-time. Looks real nice though when it's rendered to a movie, especially when everything else is maxed out like grass and trees.



Re: PredatorPrey Simulation
Reply #13 - Nov 23rd, 2007, 7:13am
You go to USYD? thats awesome! so, I take it you learned skills from the uni to make that? what courses do you do?
Re: PredatorPrey Simulation
Reply #14 - Nov 23rd, 2007, 9:56am
I study Design Computing there. Do you go to USYD too?
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